With outbreaks of Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis (AVG) in Tasmania, the New South Wales government (Australia) has implemented a temporary suspension on imports of live abalone from Tasmania. TheFishSite.com looks at what the disease is and how the disease is b…
An overview of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development's macroeconomic assumptions and sector-specific production forecasts on grain, sugar, oilseeds, meat, poultry, dairy, fishery, forestry, and food retail/catering in the latest GAIN report from USDA Fo…
In the early 1960s, the New Zealand Department of Fisheries didsome trials on koura (NZ freshwater crayfish) farming. As a result, they determinedkoura would not be viable, as they would take three yearsto reach a weight of 35g. Current trials have produced fa…
The decline in the value of Australian fisheries production over the past decade isattributable to a decrease in the value of production of higher value species groups,such as rock lobster, prawns, abalone and tuna, according to the Australian Bureau of Agricu…