In order to meet the obligations under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) with regard to the the control of fishing activities, the Central and regional governments have agreed to create a central working group.
Its task will be to ensure coordination of activities, ensure all regulations are followed, and to respond to the problems that arise.
Also approved was the creation of another working group for national fishery management, a necessary activity to achieve optimum utilisation of fisheries resources, uniform criteria will ensure sustainable catches.
The first step is to create a dialogue of scientific advice for fisheries in North West Cantábrico, Gulf of Cadiz, Mediterranean and Canaries.
The second step is to look at the current situation of the fleet, looking at fleet size, capacity and sustainability.
Once all the data is collected, a detailed study will look at management measures and propose necessary improvements.
Working Group to Enhance Fishery Monitoring
SPAIN - The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Miguel Arias Caete, chaired the Fisheries Sector Conference meeting where the directors of the regional governments approved the creation of two working groups to strengthen monitoring and regulation of the fishing sector.
by Lucy Towers