In the fourth of a series ofarticles for Fishing news,Mike Montgomerie, GearTechnologist at Seafish, continues by examining theoptions for fitting squaremesh panels.
With the reproductivity of farmed fish a major concern for the aquaculture industry, the Genetics and Reproduction Group at theInstitute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland, has carried out researchto tackle common problems including sexual maturation impacts o…
In this third article in the series, MikeMontgomery from Seafish, starts tolook at specific devices,starting with squaremesh panels, to see howeffective they have proved to bein various fisheries.
Daniel Lee, Best Aquaculture PracticesStandards Coordinator with theGlobal Aquaculture Alliance looks at how aquaculture certification helps buyers and builds trust. Taken from the Global Aquaculture Advocate, a Global Aquaculture Alliance publication.