A joint study by local oyster growers and researchers at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science shows that moving farmed oysters into saltier waters just prior to harvest nearly eliminates the presence of a bacterium that can sicken humans.
Speaking at the 9th Asia Regional Advisory Group (AG) on Aquatic Animal Health, Professor Timothy Flegel (Centex Shrimp and BIOTEC, Thailand) presented updates on current crustaceans diseases in the Asia Pacific.
A relatively new virus is causing havoc in the international oyster industry. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite editor speaks with David Jarrad from the Shellfish Association of Great Britain about the fatal oyster herpes virus.
Perkinsus organisms are a group of protistan (single-celled) parasites that can infect shellfish, especially bivalve molluscs, in various parts of the world, reports Denie Petty from the University of Florida IFAS Extension.