Increasing consumer awareness to unsustainable aquaculture practices have made the prospect of organic aquaculture both environmentally and economically fruitful, but strict standards make this goal difficult to achieve. As the US considers by-passing this obs…
As well asbeing a farm thatproduces fish forfood, Aranyponty- in Magyar, theGolden Carp -communicatesthe importance ofmanaging Europeswetland heritageto society, bydiverse social andeducational activities, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sust…
Diving is an integral part of the aquaculture operation, says a new Aquaculture Safety Code of Practice, published by the Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island.
Imagine a new kind of food farm. Animals that flourish on infertile lands, eating less, but growing faster. There's no fear of disease, or environmental side affects on these farms and the meat they produce is lean, safe and nutritious. Think of all that can b…
Both the ornamental fish industry and the aquaculture are continuously threatened by fish diseases which can cause considerableeconomic losses. One of the biggest problems is the import and spread of pathogens as a result of the international fish trade.
A safe workplace is created when everyone takes a role in managing health and safety issues, says a new Aquaculture Safety Code of Practice, published by the Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island. A good safety management program can help avoid in…
In December 2005, unexplained mortalities of farmed abalone were detected in two Western Victoria land-based farms, one at Portland, the other at Port Fairy. A couple of years later the Victoria Abalone Divers Association claimed that large parts of the Abalon…
There is a terrible paradox at work within the salmon farming industry. On the one hand, it is widely acknowledged that salmon aquaculture could be the saviour of depleting wild stocks, but on the other, the consequential effects of these farms are actually br…
Farmed fish are contained - in ponds, tanks or cages - as with all farmed animals. According to a report published by Consenus, just as in land-based farming, farm managers increasingly choose stocking densities and handling practices that optimize growth and …
While best management practice remains the preferred option for producers to retain fish health, the use of therapeutic agents may sometimes be necessary. This report is taken from the consensus brochure 'Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe'.
Sea lice abundance on Atlantic salmon farms in 2007 was at its lowest rate on record, according to results from 118 salmon farm audits and also collected diagnostic samples for disease analysis from 763 fish mortalities, completed by the British Columbia Minis…
This report is an extract taken from a Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Animal Health and Welfare on a request from the EuropeanCommission on Animal welfare aspects of husbandry systems for farmed Atlantic salmon. The EFSA Journal (2008)736, 1-31.
Farmed Atlantic salmon in the freshwater stage are supplied with extra oxygen to maintain well-being and growth. Recent trials carried out by The National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) have shown that oxygenated water in this life stage c…
Proliferative kidney disease (PKD) caused byTetracapsuloides bryosalmonae continues to bea major constraint on the rainbow trout industryin Western Europe and North America, writes David J. Morris, Charles McGurk and Gareth Butterfield of the Institute of Aqua…
An outbreak of White Tail Disease in farmed giant fresh water prawns in Queensland, Australia was recently reported to the World Animal Health Organisation (OIE). The disease has been caused by Machrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus, writes Chris Harris, Senior …
Jane Jordan, TheFishSite Editor, reports on a joint research project to develop control methods for Streptococcus iniae in fish. US Scientists with the Sea Grant programme, have demonstrated the feasibility of using a live-attenuated vaccine to prevent this de…
Published by CEFAS Finfish News - Issue 4, Summer/Autumn 2007. Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD) is a chronic systemic bacterial condition of fish of the family Salmonidae caused by Renibacterium salmoninarum.
This article has been prepared as a practical guide-line to help small to medium size marine cage farmers within the Asia-Pacific region cope with common external parasites, write Neil Wendover and Cedric Komar, Intervet Norbio Singapore.
By Cortney L. Ohs, Assistant Professor, Indian River Research and Education Center, Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences and R. LeRoy Creswell, Creswell, Marine Extension Agent, St. Lucie County Cooperative Extension. Published by the University of Flo…
This guide from LaDon Swann, IIlinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University, helps fish farmers better understand the properties of water and how water quality effects fish culture.
By The European Commission. The new Animal Health Strategy provides the framework for animal health and welfare measures over the next six years. Given the devastating impact that serious disease outbreaks can have on farmers, society and the economy, the new …
By Craig MacIntyre and Jimmy Turnbull, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling and published by CEFAS Finfish News - Issue 3, Winter/Spring 2007
By Michelle Pond, Cefas, presented at the Disease Workshop in Bristol and published in Finfish News publication, Winter/Spring edition, number 3. Cefas. A range of researchers and other stakeholders gathered to discuss what is known about the skin condition of…
By Nick Taylor, Cefas and published by CEFAS Finfish News - Issue 3, Winter/Spring 2007. Over 140 species of Argulus have been described throughout the world. The majority of these crustaceans are ectoparasites of fish and are often referred to as fish lice.