By Alasdair H McVicar, Garien Aquaculture and Fish Health Consultants Ltd - There are serious inadequacies in the paper many of which could be attributable to mathematicians analysing numerical data without adequate attention being given to the reality and com…
By DuPont Animal Health Solutions - Now that salmon and trout eggs are near hatching, farmers will be getting hatching trays and first feeding troughs ready. As this signals a potential increase in the risk of infection, one of the key requirements is to thoro…
For her doctorate, Dr Janicke Nordgreen has studied nociception and pain in teleost fish. Her conclusion is that it is very likely the fish feel pain, according to the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science.
Following a request from the European Commission, the AHAW Panel was asked to deliver a Scientific Opinion on the animal welfare aspects of husbandry systems for farmed seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and seabream (Sparus aurata). This Opinion was later publish…
Published by Primary Industries and Resources South Australia - This article gives an overview on Barramundia farming across Australia and offers the broad range of information needed to set up a farm, from breeding to marketing.
By Ken Schultz - The American and European eels are member of the Anguillidae family of freshwater eels. They are common and have been the object of many wild tales speculating on the nature of their existence.
By Ken Schultz - Closely related to the genus Gadus, the haddock is often considered a member of the Gadidae family, or codfishes. Haddock have long been important commercially and an even more highly valued food fish than the Atlantic cod, although stocks of …
By Maryland Sea Grant, University of Maryland - The eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica is native to the Chesapeake Bay and coastal waters from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Though a prolific species, C. virginica populations in the Bay have been subjected to…
By Salmon of the Americas - This report by SOTA looks at Flame retardants (PBDEs), how they compare to other environmental contaminants and it also discusses critical questions such as how PBDE's enter the environment; how they move into and behave within biot…
By Schering-Plough Animal Health - Sea lice infestations represent the most significant disease problem currently affecting sea-farmed salmon and trout around the world. These external parasites have been recognized as long as man has fished for salmon.
A Code of Practice - Published by Scottish Salmon - At the SSGA Technical Seminar in November 1997, Industry scientists reported on significant work regarding a strategic approach to control of sea lice. They have demonstrated that the reproductive capacity of…
By Schering-Plough Aquaculture - This article looks at a case study of how treatment with Ergosan prior to transport reduced the incidence of RTFS within the treated fish and helped lower mortality.
By R.W. Rottmann, R. Francis-Floyd1, and R. Durborow. Published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service. Physiological stress and physical injury are the primary contributing factors of fish disease and mortalit…
By Shaun M. Moss, Steve M. Arce, Dustin R. Moss and Clete A. Otoshi, The Oceanic Institute - Penaeid shrimp aquaculture expanded significantly over the past two decades. However, shrimp farmers have suffered significant economic losses because of viral disease…