By Martin Krkosek, Mark A. Lewis, Alexandra Morton, L. Neil Frazer, and John P. Volpe - The continuing decline of ocean fisheries and rise of global fish consumption has driven aquaculture growth by 10% annually over the last decade.
By Intervet - Fish vaccination during the last decade has proven to be highly effective in reducing economic losses caused by mortality and reduced growth.
By Dr. Marian McLoughlin MVB PhD MRCVS and published by Intervet - PD can cause enormous clinical (high mortality) and sub-clinical losses by reducing weight gain, creating higher feed conversion rates, giving smaller harvest weights and increasing the suscept…
By Ingunn Sommerset, Intervet Norbio AS, Bjorn Krossoy, Eirik Biering and Petter Frost - Vaccination plays an important role in large-scale commercial fish farming and has been a key reason for the success of salmon cultivation.
By Fiskeriforskning - Winter ulcer causes great economic loss to salmon farmers, especially in North Norway. Fish with sores have less appetite and at slaughter, sores or scars reduce quality. The disease is likely the result of both production and a bacterial…
By Intervet - SRS (a.k.a. Salmon Rickettsial Syndrome or Piscirickettsiosis or Coho salmon septicaemia or Huito disease) is considered to be the most important disease problem in the Chilean salmon farming industry, with economic losses of over US$100 million …
By Dr. Marian McLoughlin and published by Intervet - Although fish farming has great development potential in Asia, fish diseases still remain a major constraint to its successful expansion.
By Dave Cockerill, the Fish Vet Group - Yellowmouth (mouthrot, filamentous bacterial stomatitis) in smolts is one presentation of a category of multifactorial infections that we seem to be seeing more of recently, particularly within the first ~6 weeks post se…
By Cedric Komar, William.J. Enright, Luc Grisez, and Zilong Tan and published by Intervet - Although fish farming has great development potential in Asia, fish diseases still remain a major constraint to its successful expansion.
By Dr. Brian Bosworth and Dr. Brian Small, USDA ARS and Dr. James Steeby and Dr. Jimmy Avery, Mississippi State University - Production of hybrids between the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) and the blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus) was reported as early…
By Dave Cockerill, the Fish Vet Group - In recent years spinal deformity has become an increasingly important condition for salmon producers and especially processors. Some populations are virtually unaffected, but the incidence of deformity can be above 30%, …
By Intervet - The development and manufacture of vaccines for aquatic species which perform consistently to closely defined standards is a complex process involving more than 100 developmental steps, and an expensive and lengthy large scale production, testing…
Published by Intervet - The theory that tilapia is a hardy and disease-resistant fish species is no longer correct. Producers, scientists and processors have now become aware that diseases may well be the number one threat for the future of this industry.
By Ruth Francis-Floyd, University of Florida - Fish health management is a term used in aquaculture to describe management practices which are designed to prevent fish disease. Once fish get sick it can be difficult to salvage them.
From the University of Adelaide - A total of 205 Yellowtail Kingfish have recently been tagged in the Spencer Gulf as part of the Innovative Solutions for Aquaculture Planning and Management suite of research projects.
By K.P. Chandroo, I.J.H. Duncan, R.D. Moccia, Department of Animal and Poultry Sciences, University of Guelph - In contrast to other major forms of livestock agriculture, there is a paucity of scientific information on the welfare of fish raised under intensiv…
By Mark Sheppard, B.Sc., DVM Sakana Veterinary Services Ltd., Canada and published by Intervet - Marine nocardiosis is a long-term and problematic bacterial infection of warm-water fish. It eventually presents itself as an underlying debilitating factor in man…
By Intervet - Vaccination is becoming an increasinglyimportant part of aquaculture. Several bacterial and viral vaccines have been successfully developed and commercialised, and have proven their cost-effectiveness.
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Fish Vet Group - Histopathology describes the study of disease and disease processes by the microscopical examination of very thin section of preserved, stained tissues. The actual preparation of stained slides is a highly skilled procedure requiring ex…
By Cefas - This report looks at the clinical signs of Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia and provides a status update on the recent outbreak in North Yorkshire.
By the Mississippi State University - This handbook gives the basic information new catfish farmers need to get through their first production season with minimum problems.
By Pilar Hernndez Serrano, Central University of Venezuela and published by the FAO - This work focuses on antibiotics misuse and the concomitant threat of resistance development, considering this topic to be a public health concern that affects thepopulation …
By David Cox, the Fish Vet Group - So what's in a name? Quite a lot I would possibly say. Take for example the latest "syndrome" to appear from Norway namely Heart Skeletal Muscle Inflammation (HSMI for short -thank goodness for abbreviations). The key questio…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…