By the Farm Animal Welfare Council - This article is part of a report on labelling in relation to the welfare provenance of livestock products. This Report concentrates on the purpose and nature of labelling and its justification, whether such labelling should…
Tilapia is native to Africa and the Middle East. A decade ago, few people knew much about tilapia. Today, it has emerged to become the second biggest aquatic species group after the carp group, with a worldwide harvest of over 2 million metric tons (MT), about…
By the Fish Vet Group - Quality features a great deal in fish farming. Whether referring to water quality, environmental quality, flesh quality, total quality management systems or quality assurance schemes, you can't be involved in any aspect of current fish …
By Whit Gibbons and published by the University of Georgia - "A catfish monoculture is not sustainable because it consumes more resources than it produces." For someone who raises catfish to make such a statement might sound ironic or even contradictory to som…
By Intervet - Most of us take going for a flu, chickenpox or tetanus shot for granted. Vaccines are for people,right? Wrong, vaccines are also of vital importance in the animal healthcare world, and no more so than in aquaculture. Brian Guest looks at how mark…
By Bruce L. Nicholson, Professor of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology, the University of Maine - Infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites are a primary concern in aquaculture. Indeed, effective control of infectious diseases…
By David Cox, Fish Vet Group - Year on year IPNV is becoming more and more of a problem with significant losses in fresh and seawater. Quite why this is the case is puzzling and I'll put forward some of my thoughts on possible reasons at the end of this articl…
By Intervet - Chorulon is a purified, sterile and highly effective preparation of chorionic gonadotrophin, which has been routinely used for nearly two decades to induce and synchronize the ovulation andspawning of various cultured fish species.
By Fiskeriforskning - For a long time, vibriosis was the most serious bacterial disease in farmed cod, but now other diseases also result in significant mortality.
By Arild Kollevaag, Commercial Operations Dept., Intervet Norbio AS - In recent years, between 160 and 170 million salmon and rainbow trout have been vaccinated each year in Norway. The vast majority of these were vaccinated by injection (intraperitoneal) with…
By Pete Southgate, the Fish Vet Group - In the summer of 2005 many UK trout farmers experienced serious outbreaks of eye fluke infestation which resulted in severe pathology in affected fish and consequent losses. The eye fluke - frequently Diplostomum spathac…
By The Health And Safety Executive - This publication gives advice on the design, construction and safe use of floating fish farm installations including fish pens or cages, walkways, gangways, vehicle ways,land access ways, shelters and associated equipment.
Channel catfish are the most important species of aquatic animal commercially cultured in the United States. In this article – published on the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service – Thomas L. Wellborn from the Univ…
By the European Commission - Concrete measures to improve the protection and welfare of animals over the next five years are outlined in a new Action Plan on the protection and welfare of animals, adopted by the Commission today. The Action Plan aims to ensure…
By David Cox, the Fish Vet Group - Fungi are ubiquitous throughout nature and if left untreated many fungal infections in farmed and pet fish can be life threatening.
However Thai shrimp production has been on the decline in recent years. If most of the decline (10%) in 2011 was related to natural disasters like oods, the main culprit in 2012 has been the EMS/AHPND disease outbreak. is new disease resulted in massive mortal…
This study by Yukinori Mukai, International Islamic University Malaysia, and Leong Seng Lim, University Malaysia Sabah, examined the retinomotor responses and prey ingestion rates of 10-, 15-, 20- and 30-day-old Asian seabass Lates calcarifer under different l…
Positioning of sea cages at sites with high water current velocities expose the fish to a largely unknown environmental challenge. In this study David Johansson et al, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, observed the swimming behaviour of Atlantic salmon (Sa…
New findings published by researchers at the New York University Polytechnic School of Engineering are helping to unravel the complex interplay between alcohol and social behavior and may lead to new therapies for mitigating the negative impacts of alcohol use…
Several indices were examined to assess the physical condition of wrasse stocked on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, farms as cleaner fish, and included examination of eye condition, snout erosion, skin hemorrhaging, and erosion and splitting of dorsal, pectoral,…
Amount of oxigen dissolved
Evaporation and filtering
Water temperature
Water temperature shall be between 25 and 32°C, being the optimal between 29 …
Discussion of the current shrimp disease crisis focuses on the microbiology of pathogens and the regulations needed to limit their spread locally and across national boundaries (FAO 2008; Jones 2012; Lightner 2012; Reantaso 2012). In this study I …
One of the most difficult problems in Atlantic salmon aquaculture has been to control sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus in the Northern Hemisphere and Caligus rogercresseyi in Chile), which may cause serious harm to aquaculture reared fis…
By Pete Southgate, the Fish Vet Group - When keeping ornamental fish as pets, it is just as important to give full consideration to their welfare as with any other pet. The term ornamental fish in itself is an unfortunate one and a more acceptable term may be …
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide drive accompanying changes in the marine carbonate system as carbon dioxide enters seawater and alters ocean pH. As such changes do not occur in isolation, and other environmental factors have the potential to modulate t…
A significant part of the Philippine production is achieved semi-intensively, or even intensively, which creates a demand for supplemental feed. Optimizing of the feeding and nutrition of milkfish is therefore of great interest. Dietary potassium diformate (KD…
Collection and Submission of Samples for Fish-Kill Investigation and Toxic-Substance Analysis - By Robert A. Pierce, Extension Fish and Wildlife Specialist; Thomas W. May, National Biological Survey, National Fisheries Contaminant Research Center and V. Charle…
Taurine is not considered an essential amino acid for fish, but many studies indicated that it is conditionally essential, especially if fish are fed plant protein-based diets. In response to these studies, Abdel-Fattah M. El-Sayed, Alexandria University, Egyp…
Worldwide harvest of farmed tilapia has now surpassed 800,000 metric tons, and tilapia are second only to carps as the most widely farmed freshwater fish in the world, reveal Thomas Popma, from Auburn University and Michael Masser from Texas A&M University…
James E. Rakocy, University of the Virgin Islands and Andrew S. McGinty, University of Puerto Rico and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - In the U.S., the most appropriatespecies of tilapia for …
By the USDA, Foreign Agricultural Service - The European Commission (EC) has published a proposal concerning the animal welfare of farmed fish to be adopted at the November 2005 meeting of the Standing Committee of the European Convention for the Protection of…
By Janet Raloff and published by Science News Online - Aquaculture - farming fish for our dinner tables - is a big and growing international industry. Because many of the tastiest and most-profitable farmed fish are carnivores, their prepared diets usually inc…
Marine protected areas (MPAs) have received increasing attention as tools in fisheries management and conservation. However, examples of replicated experiments that sampled organismal density before and after establishment of MPAs at sites both in…
Aquaculture is replacing capture fisheries in supplying the world with dietary protein. Although disease is a major threat to aquaculture production, the underlying global epidemiological patterns are unknown. Tommy Leung, University of New England, and Amanda…
By David Cox, the Fish Vet Group - The Veterinary Health Plan (VHP) has been used for several years as part of good farming practice in many terrestrial animal production systems and forms the basis of several herd and flock health schemes.
By the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission - This report looks at the problem of White Spot Syndrome and gives an overview of its biology and recommendations to guard against it.
By Aqua-In-Tech - Diseases are due interaction between environments, the animal being reared (genetics, health, nutritional status, etc.) and the pathogen. In an ideal system these are in balance with the end result being minimal disease problems and increased…