Bill Taylor, president and CEO of the Atlantic Salmon Federation expresses his views on what he describes as Canada's conflicted priorities between wild Atlantic salmon and farmed salmon.
The velvet crab fishery in Scottish waters is a relatively recent development; velvet crabs were once considered a pest species, and only taken in a small scale fishery for a few months in winter.
The Mediterranean Sea and, in particular, the cristallina waters of Sardinia areconfronting a paradox of marine preservation, according to Katherine Emery.
Biogas treatment of animal manure is common in Denmark, but is still very underdevelopedin Norway, according to Alastair James Ward at the Department of Biosystems Engineering in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences at the University of Aarhus.
The brown crab fishery is economically a very important fishery for Scottish vessels with total landings in 2008 of around 9,000 tonnes and a value of 10 million.
Projected U.S. 2010/11 and 2009/10 corn used for ethanol was raised this month as ethanol production continues to increase , according to the USDA Economic Research Service.
2009 has been a busy year for the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO). Committed to achieving an average three to five per cent increase in production per year over the next five years, whilst safeguarding Scotland's marine environment as well as rea…
Andrew Jackson, Technical Director for the International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation (IFFO) gave conference delegates at Aquavision 2010 an overview of the fishmeal and fish oil industries. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite junior editor reports.
In this report, Ecotrust lays out ten programme features that the Council should address to improve the design of the Pacific Fishery Management Council's proposed catch share programmeme for the West Coast Trawl Fishery.
The fishery for Nephrops in Scottish waters has developed from a few tonnes in the early 1960s to over 32,000 tonnes in 2008, and Nephrops is currently the most valuable species landed in Scotland (95.5 million in 2008).
Off-shore oil spills can do great harm to many components of natural ecosystems, and could be more topical at the moment with the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. This research from the University of Florida Extension looks at the effects of oil spills on mari…
With an annual value of about 7.3 million saithe(Pollachius virens) is, by weight, the seccond mostabundant demersal species landed by the Scottishfleet.
Researchers at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain look at what is necessary for the Common Fisheries reform, with a particular focus on sustainability.
Caulerpa taxifolia, although not native to New South Wales, has grown substantially in recent years. Spreading rapidly the plant can have an adverse effect on
With an annual value of around 8.5 million whiting (Merlangius merlangus) has always been important in the landings of demersal fish from the North Sea.
The global aquaculture industry currently accounts for over 45 per cent of all seafood consumed. That figure has been projected to increase to 75 per cent over the next 20 years. Are probiotics necessary to achieve this? Abdel Hamid Eid and K Mohamed from Suaz…
The forecasted feed grain are planted in 2010 is up 1.7 per cent from 2009. Ending stocks are expected to be up from 2009/10 according to the USDA Economic Research Service.
With an average annual growth rate of 8.9 per cent since1970, aquaculture is now considered to be the fastestgrowing food-producing sector in the world. Dr Melba G Bondad-Reantaso and Dr Rohana P Subasinghe from FAO look at the global economic impact of diseas…
Long-lining has several advantages over trawling, according to researchers at Nofima and stfoldforskning. The project Fra bunn til munn (From Seabed to Mouth) has been looking at the entire value chain of line-caught white fish.
The sea lice parasite is the greatest disease problem facing the Norwegian aquaculture industry. But help may be on its way an army of 15 million lice-eating Ballan wrasse, according to the Research Council of Norway.
With an annual value of around 4 million, herring (Clupea harengus) is, by weight, the second most abundant species landed by the pelagic fleet. This article looks at stocks in the North Sea.
A human being who goes from being physically inactive to active will in all probability gain significant health benefits. The physiology of fish is not that different, Harald Wrstad Takle and Inge Harkestad, Nofima, question whether physical training will also…
With an annual value of over 64.6 million, mackerel is a very important species for the Scottish fishing industry. By weight, it is by far the most abundant pelagic species landed. This report looks at the stocks in the northeast of Scotland.