Caligiasis is a parasitic disease which affects marine fish in Chile. The parasite is endemic and is located in the skin where it feeds from the mucus of the affected fish, says Maria-Jose Birrer (Intervet Chile Ltd.)
China's aquatic production in 2009 is forecast at 49.5 MMT, up two percent from the estimated 48.6 MMT in 2008, says a USDA Foreign Agricultural Service report.
Fish farming can contribute to the protection and restoration of endangered fish populations living in the wild through the efficient provision of juveniles for release or stocking, says a report in the Consensus Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe publi…
In this age of economic recession and ever worsening third world food crisis, it is increasingly important that developing countries find profitable industries for their sustained independence. As a source of both food and finance, it is not difficult to see w…
Fish farming is very efficient in terms of the conversion of protein, which means an important ecological advantage in light of the sustainability of fish feed resources, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe'.
Marine and large lake fisheries depend on the coastalarea in many different ways. A fisherys success is based uponcontinuing stocks of fish, which require healthy habitats for theirown food supplies and life cycles, reports the Food and Agriculture Organisatio…
The UK Shellfish Industry Development Strategy(SIDS), the Seafish-funded, SAGB-facilitatedproject looking to sustainably develop wildcaughtand cultivated shellfisheries, has beenprogressing for over a year now. Tom Pickerell, in this CEFAS Shellfish News publi…
As a second wave of Infectious Salmon Anaemia washes up on Scottish shores, the industry holds its breath. Only time will tell what gets upturned in its wake, but on a global scale the severity of the problem is already showing its true face, writes Adam Anson…
Fish mortality associated with infectious disease in South East Asia remains high, says Lauke Labrie, Joseph Ng, Cedric Komar and Brian Sheehan, Intervet Norbio Singapore.
The Amazon answers to 20 per cent of Brazilian fishery production and generates a turnover of around US$ 199 million. Besides, aquaculture is an important source of employment, income and food, says Chico Arajo, of Agncia Amaznia, published by the Brazil-Arab …
Statistical data indicate that common carp production may have come close to its limit. However, common carp will remain an important species in those areas where it is produced traditionally. The FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department explains how this fish…
From the dark depths of the open oceans vast blooms of jellyfish are descending unforseen upon coastal waters worldwide, reports Adam Anson for TheFishSite. As the frequency of these invasions increases, the threat to both tourism and fisheries alike becomes e…
Rapid increases in production have led to falling prices, which in turn have put increasing pressures on producers to limit costs. The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations explains how the different systems of production work.
In the third quarter of the year, fishmeal production was characterized by very limited catches, a normal feature for this period of the year, reports FAO Globefish.
As fish farm units (cages) get bigger, producers are using various techniques and equipment to better manage their stocks, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe'.
Vietnam is the largest exporter of Pangasius to the EU, and the countrys growers have been set a target of $1.5 billion in export turnover for 2008, reveals a Food and Agriculture Globefish report prepared by Nick Holmyard.
While the European agricultural industry is a heavy consumer of genetically modified products - largely in animal feed - the industry is restricted in what it can grow, writes Chris Harris, TheFishSite senior editor.
In May this year Australia's abalone farmers took an international lead role in developing environmental sustainability practices among the rapidly expanding global aquaculture industries, writes Dr Ann Fleming, Chair, Australian Abalone Growers Association.
Global production from aquaculture has grown substantially, contributing increasingly significant quantities to the worlds supply of fish for human consumption, says a report from the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. This increasing tre…
Increasing consumer awareness to unsustainable aquaculture practices have made the prospect of organic aquaculture both environmentally and economically fruitful, but strict standards make this goal difficult to achieve. As the US considers by-passing this obs…
Mexico imports over $300 million worth of fish and seafood products every year. In 2006 this included about $150 of fish fillets, $36 million of crustaceans, and $12 of other seafood, says a USDA Foreign Agricultural Service GAIN report.
As well asbeing a farm thatproduces fish forfood, Aranyponty- in Magyar, theGolden Carp -communicatesthe importance ofmanaging Europeswetland heritageto society, bydiverse social andeducational activities, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sust…
The gloomy situation with regard to shrimp demand is now also present in the EU, an area which was more positive for shrimp consumption earlier this year, reports FAO Globefish.
Aquaculture is often condemned by many lobby groups because it uses about 43 percent of global fish meal production and 85 percent of fish oil, writes Simon Wilkinson for the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia Pacific (NACA).
Modern day marine fisheries have recently been branded as an underperforming global asset kept afloat by government subsidies. Can these fisheries be turned into profitable ventures, or will aquaculture step up to take its place as the main global supplier? Ad…
Diving is an integral part of the aquaculture operation, says a new Aquaculture Safety Code of Practice, published by the Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island.
Imagine a new kind of food farm. Animals that flourish on infertile lands, eating less, but growing faster. There's no fear of disease, or environmental side affects on these farms and the meat they produce is lean, safe and nutritious. Think of all that can b…
When it comes to seafood, consumers face a paradox, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe'. Health researchers agree that people should eat more seafood and this is confirmed by advice from our doctors and health i…
Both the ornamental fish industry and the aquaculture are continuously threatened by fish diseases which can cause considerableeconomic losses. One of the biggest problems is the import and spread of pathogens as a result of the international fish trade.
A recent review of the under performing central Asian fisheries industry has portrayed the situation as a cycle that needs to be stopped and reversed. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has set up a meeting in the hopes of establishing an intergove…
This Food and Agriculture Organization technical paper explains how the process of depuration can help remove the threat of toxic contaminants from bivalve farms, benefiting both producer and consumer.
All feed grains prices are lowered this month as financial and macroeconomic developments have combined with supply and demand fundamentals to reduce grain prices in 2008/09, reports the ERS USDA.
A safe workplace is created when everyone takes a role in managing health and safety issues, says a new Aquaculture Safety Code of Practice, published by the Workers Compensation Board of Prince Edward Island. A good safety management program can help avoid in…
In December 2005, unexplained mortalities of farmed abalone were detected in two Western Victoria land-based farms, one at Portland, the other at Port Fairy. A couple of years later the Victoria Abalone Divers Association claimed that large parts of the Abalon…
Occasionally catastrophic fish kills occur in aquaculture production facilities as well as in home aquaria or backyard ponds, says Ruth Francis-Floyd, Christopher Brooks, and Denise Petty. This article was published by the University of Florida IFAS Extension.…
World food prices have fallen farther and faster than can be explained through production gains alone. Underlying the price slide are other important factors, including the financial crisis, the halving of world crude oil prices. Here, the FAO Food Outlook mar…
There is a terrible paradox at work within the salmon farming industry. On the one hand, it is widely acknowledged that salmon aquaculture could be the saviour of depleting wild stocks, but on the other, the consequential effects of these farms are actually br…
While the meat industry has had quality assurance and traceability systems for some time - most dating back to the outbreak of BSE in the UK in the mid '90s - the fish and shellfish industries have shown a tendency to lag behind, writes Chris Harris, Senior Ed…