Mycotoxins are produced by a wide array of diverse fungal species that are not generally pathogens. Most of the agricultural important mycotoxins are produced primarily by three genera of fungi: Aspergillus, Peniccillium and Fusarium.
Based at Lake Baringo, Kenya, Omega Farms is in its early days. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite Editor speaks to Director Mark Archer, about the Omega Farm project and increasing the supply of tilapia fingerlings in Kenya.
Recent growth of the shellfish aquaculture industry in Virginia has added significant value to the States seafood marketplace, according to the Virginia Shellfish Aquaculture Situation and Outlook Report. This report is based upon an industry survey completed …
Mycotoxin risk management tool involves both the elimination of mycotoxins by adsorptive materials, and the conversion of their toxic structures into non-toxic, harmless metabolites, according to BIOMIN.