The initial delivery of 1.1 tons of the product will be increased to five tons per week by December of this year said the Business Intelligence Centre (CIC) CONAPESCA.
These are channel catfish fillets, which are already supplied by the production system through the Integrative Fish Farming Tamaulipas, SA de CV, and sent to the distribution centre in Mexico City.
The catfish product system consists of three stages of the production chain (production, input suppliers and research) and has 17 active members (each with its own production units, which together generate 85 jobs). The members work together to strengthen and increase production. Additionally involved in the integrity of the supply chain are 14 partners.
The Federal Government supports these activities for growth and expansion of the national fisheries and aquaculture sector, which generates a positive impact on the producing regions, as it triggers the economic flow and produces sources of employment, direct and indirect, in the production chain.
Catfish Processing
The presentation of catfish fillet in an air tight pack is made in the process plant Prodatec of Tamaulipas, located in the municipality of Padilla, which, having a production capacity of 35 tons per week, helps to ensure the supply of product to meet market demand.
Such actions increase the marketability for aquaculture and fishery producers and ensures the continuance of quality standards in the plant.
In 2010 production reached more than 700 tonnes in the state, also included were value-added products through the processing plant; actions that have been possible thanks to the organisation of producers and the various links in the chain.
The country reported catfish production in 2010 was 5,466 tons (3,384 for aquaculture production and 2,000 captured) and its value was 107 million 781 thousand pesos.
Conapesca Opens Markets For Catfish Producers
MEXICO - As part of the actions taken by the National Commission of Aquaculture and Fisheries (CONAPESCA) to strengthen the business side of production chains, the Committee System for catfish in Tamaulipas state started the weekly distribution of 1.1 tons of catfish steak at a prestigious chain of convenience stores.