Research by Dr Fredric Barrowsand Dr Jeffrey Silverstein, from the US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service looks at alternative diets for the future of trout.
The Atlantic salmon market continues to be undersupplied as Chiles production in 2010 is reaching rock bottom, reports Globefish, a unit of the FAO Fisheries Department responsible for information on international fish trade.
This study by Henrik Sundh, Bjorn Olav Kvamme, Frode Fridell, Rolf Erik Olsen, Tim Ellis, Geir Lasse Taranger and Kristina Sundell suggests that the intestinal barrier function of Atlantic salmon post smolts is reduced by common sea cages environments. It may …
A group of researchers (Christina Sommerville, Rod Wootten, James Bron, Andrew Shinn) from the University of Stirling look at past and recent sea lice research.