A human being who goes from being physically inactive to active will in all probability gain significant health benefits. The physiology of fish is not that different, Harald Wrstad Takle and Inge Harkestad, Nofima, question whether physical training will also…
In this assessment by the FAO, a framework is applied to evaluate major shrimp farming countries comparative advantage in exporting cultured shrimp to three major international markets (Japan, the United States of America, and the European Union).
With an annual value of over 64.6 million, mackerel is a very important species for the Scottish fishing industry. By weight, it is by far the most abundant pelagic species landed. This report looks at the stocks in the northeast of Scotland.
Corn ending stocks for 2009/10 are projected higher this month as 1 March stocks indicated lower feed and residual use in the second quarter than forecast earlier, according to the USDA Economic Research Service.
Less fishmeal in the market place leads to record high fishmeal prices, according to the March 2010 fishmeal market report by the Food and Agriculture Organisation.
Fisheries management involves a number ofpolitical and scientific processes that aim tocontinue the business of providing a sustainablesupply of fish. Each year Marine Scotland Science(MSS) carries out the research required tosupport fisheries management. This…