The UK Shellfish Industry Development Strategy(SIDS), the Seafish-funded, SAGB-facilitatedproject looking to sustainably develop wildcaughtand cultivated shellfisheries, has beenprogressing for over a year now. Tom Pickerell, in this CEFAS Shellfish News publi…
As a second wave of Infectious Salmon Anaemia washes up on Scottish shores, the industry holds its breath. Only time will tell what gets upturned in its wake, but on a global scale the severity of the problem is already showing its true face, writes Adam Anson…
From the dark depths of the open oceans vast blooms of jellyfish are descending unforseen upon coastal waters worldwide, reports Adam Anson for TheFishSite. As the frequency of these invasions increases, the threat to both tourism and fisheries alike becomes e…
As well asbeing a farm thatproduces fish forfood, Aranyponty- in Magyar, theGolden Carp -communicatesthe importance ofmanaging Europeswetland heritageto society, bydiverse social andeducational activities, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sust…
By LaDon Swann, Department of Animal Sciences, IIlinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program , Purdue University. Published by Aquanic. This is the second half of a two part feature. If you would like to view part 1 please go to the link provided at the bottom of the art…
This guide from LaDon Swann, IIlinois-Indiana Sea Grant Program, Purdue University, helps fish farmers better understand the properties of water and how water quality effects fish culture.
By Michael P. Masser, Auburn University and published by SRAC, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension. In the US the majority of cage culture is practiced in ponds or quarries.
By Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality - Chapter 7 of the Louisiana Crawfish Production Manual. Poor water quality that persists for days and weeks isdetrimental to crawfish production.
By Fiskeriforskning - Water quality can be a limiting factor in achieving optimal growth and welfare of farmedcod. Fiskeriforskning has set focus on how water quality can affect cod in the larval and fry stages.
By Ruth Francis-Floyd and Craig Watson, University of Florida - Ammonia is a major metabolic waste product from fish. It is excreted across the gill membranes and in the urine. The primary source of ammonia in aquaculture systems is fish feed.
Tilapia is native to Africa and the Middle East. A decade ago, few people knew much about tilapia. Today, it has emerged to become the second biggest aquatic species group after the carp group, with a worldwide harvest of over 2 million metric tons (MT), about…
By Craig Tucker, Mississippi State University and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - Fish, like all animals, must obtain oxygen from the environment for respiration. Oxygen is far less available…
By Sintef - Land-based aquaculture systems release water with high values of nutrients. Marine algae use most of these to produce biomass. This principle can be used to clean the water using chosen arts of algae and macro-algea in the effluent.
By John A. Hargreaves and Craig S. Tucker, Mississippi State University and published by the Southern Regional Agricultural Center and the Texas Aquaculture Extension Service - Dissolved oxygen concentration(DO) is considered the most important water quality v…
Omer M. Yousif, Kumar K.M. Krishnankutty and Abdul Fatah Ali, Aquaculture and Marine Studies Center, Abu Al Abyad Island, Department of the President's Affairs, looked at the reproductive performance, growth and survival of wild and pond-reared giant tiger shr…
Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide drive accompanying changes in the marine carbonate system as carbon dioxide enters seawater and alters ocean pH. As such changes do not occur in isolation, and other environmental factors have the potential to modulate t…
Low oxygen zones in coastal and open ocean ecosystems have expanded in recent decades, a trend that will accelerate with climatic warming. Christopher J. Gobler et al, Stony Brook University, US, experimentally assessed the consequences of hypoxic and acidifie…
The anthropogenic increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration is a major environmental concern. One alarming consequence is a rapid change in seawater chemistry and decrease of ocean pH (Solomon et al. 2007; Doney et al. 2009), which could have larg…
As the global average temperature increases and CO2 within the ocean begins to reach saturation the ability of the ocean to absorb carbon will alter significantly, writes J. P. Hickey, School of Natural and Built Environs, University of South Australia.
By Delma Bratvold, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. Published by CSIRO Marine Research - Traditionally, prawns are cultured in large shallow (1 to 2 m) ponds adjacent to estuaries, rivers and bays. The density and size of the prawns in the pond …
By U Win Latt, Aquaculture Asia - Intensive shrimp farming developed rapidly in the mid 1980's, especially in the Southeast Asian region. Shrimp production levels increased mainly due to expansion of farming areas and adoption of intensive farming practices.