UV For Aquaculture Speaking at Aquaculture 2010, Ute Follmer of Aquafine GmBh told the audience about the advantages of using UV in hatchery production systems. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite junior editor reports.
The Northeast US Continental Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NES LME) is a dynamic, highly productive, and intensively studied system providing a broad spectrum of ecosystem goods and services. This report tracks the changes in key indicators of climate, physica…
As the fishing season peaks, the waters of British Columbia should be boiling over with sockeye salmon, instead they lie quiet and still, writes Adam Anson, TheFishSite. The disastrous failure of this year's run has led to many angry questions, but like the fi…
Of all the water quality parameters that affect fish, ammonia is the most important after oxygen, especially in intensive systems, says Ruth Francis-Floyd, Craig Watson, Denise Petty, and Deborah B. Pouder, University of Florida IFAS Extension.
Once described as the holy grail of aquaculture, a new breakthrough in cod may be about to change the way we farm fish forever, writes Adam Anson, TheFishSite.
This fact sheet produced by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations explains how the different systems of Coho Salmon production work
This report from the University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, analyses the development of a new generation of environmentally sustainable marine aquaculture systems, which are contained, bio-secure and contaminant-free.
Once the sole domain of wealthy businessmen and fish experts, aquaculture is becoming increasingly attractive as a domestic amateur hobby. Adam Anson, reporting for TheFishSite, finds out what it takes to get started.
Oysters were once a dominant feature in temperate estuaries all around the world, but centuries of intensive fishing has decimated their populations. Now, renewed awareness of their importance has gained limelight, and aquaculture may play an essential role in…