Gabriel Thomas Kimeu, 27, is a computer science graduate who set up a RAS tilapia, catfish and ornamental fish farm in eastern Kenya and has major ambitions to grow.
Eva Keferböck, CEO of White Panther, an Austrian clearwater shrimp producer, explains why they abandoned biofloc, how their farm is hugely self-sufficient and when she expects to turn a profit.
Black soldier fly producers are being invited to trial – for free – an innovative filtration system that uses microalgae, sometimes paired with oysters, to remove phosphorous and nitrates from their waste water.
A wave of new welfare-based seafood sourcing policies suggests strong consumer demand for improving conditions for farmed crustaceans, but a literature review suggests that the sentience of decapod species is far from clear cut.
Biofilters are commonly used in recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS), but their limitations mean that innovators are busy developing possible alternatives – such as electro-oxidation – or enhancements, such as electro-coagulation and UASB reactors.
Dr Andrew Whiston, a marine biologist and aquaculture innovator, is attempting to revolutionise RAS technology with a system based on one founding principle - maximum efficiency and minimal waste.
While there are still a number of challenges to overcome, a number of innovators in the Philippines believe that cultivating Ulva has long term potential at a time when diversification of the country’s seaweed sector would be welcomed.
David Gebhard, co-founder of the up-and-coming shrimp producer AquaPurna, talks about the development of the company's new commercial site which will employ innovative RAS technology to provide European markets with locally-grown shrimp.
With two of the key international aquaculture welfare standards currently being updated, and the topic being more prominent in the mainstream media, two experts on the subject share their views.