For a decade Tom Ashton has held a fascination with Scotland's native oyster, and today has made it his mission to make the species a commercial and environmental success.
A compound in the middle of an avocado and orange orchard, half an hour from the coast of Israel, might be an unlikely place for a marine finfish farm, but it has its advantages, according to Pure Blue Fish, a startup that’s developed a unique RAS concept.
Former WNBA basketball player Sue Wicks now grows kelp, as well as oysters, in Great South Bay, Long Island, using a novel technique for shallow water cultivation.
Mitchell Lench, founder of Ocean’s Balance, believes that working closely with corporate food and pet food companies, rather than creating novel consumer-focused products from scratch, could be a ticket to success for the West’s seaweed sector.
Recent trials in Thailand suggest that mixed-sex tilapia farming might offer a promising alternative to the cultivation of hormone-induced all-male fish, especially in cage farms in Africa.