Bycatch from longline tuna fisheries is a global environmental problem. This report from the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership shares some examples of best practice to avoid harming non-target organisms.
The benefits realised by recirculating aquaculture systems including enhanced fish growth, product quality and survival, as well as reduced treatment costs have made the recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) approach an important production trend, write Stev…
Dr Shelley Clarke, Technical Coordinator-Sharks and Bycatch of the ABNJ Tuna Project under the FAO-led Common Oceans Program, co-authored a global review of status and mitigation measures for bycatch in longline fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species.
Mortalities of oyster Crassostrea gigas seed associated with ostreid herpesvirus have been observed in many oyster-producing countries since 2008. This report, by Bruno Petton and colleagues from the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, looks…
Salmon raised in a reduced photoperiod environment of 18 hours light are more likely to show undesirable early maturation than those raised under 24 hour light, write Christopher Good and colleagues from the Conservation Fund's Freshwater Institute and USDA-AR…