A team of researchers from the Universitat Politcnica de Valncias CUINA group has achieved a 50 per cent reduction in the amount of salt in already desalted cod, thus obtaining a final product that preserves all its sensory properties and is particularly suita…
Nofima scientist Agnar Sivertsen has developed a new system for automatic inspection of cod fillets known as hyperspectral imaging. As well as detecting unwanted elements, the system can provide information about how fresh the fish is.
Unlike smaller species, broodstock management for large pelagic finfish such as tuna involves many difficulties, said Christopher Bridges, Heinrich-Heine Universitt, at Aquaculture Europe 2011. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite editor reports.
Higher public awareness of sustainable fishing practices, led by environmental NGOs, may have helped reduce the incidence of mislabelled fish in the UK, compared to Ireland, according to a recent study which assessed levels of fish fraudulently sold as cod in …
Researchers from DTU Aqua have decoded the behaviour of Norway lobsters and cod and used the results to develop a selective trawl. This so-called SELTRA-trawl ensures that fewer cod end up as by-catch in the Norway lobster fishery in the Kattegat.
Less expensive fish species are being labelled and sold as cod in Ireland, while the environmental impact of purchases is being concealed by product labels, according to a study published in the journal Fish and Fisheries.
Adult cod seem to have the entire ocean at their disposal, and yet each individual cod still chooses their own local shipwreck, which they swim back to faithfully day after day. This is just one of the fascinating results from research using acoustic tags whic…