Scottish Shellfish Marketing Group Dressed Lobster Selected as Finalist in SuperMeat & Fish Awards 2014 Sustainability Marketing Crustaceans 9 May 2014
Eastern Channel and North Sea Herring French Fishery Enters Sustainable Assessment Sustainability Economics 9 May 2014
Russian Barents Sea Cod and Haddock Fishery Celebrates MSC Certification at Seafood Expo Global Sustainability Post-harvest Cod 9 May 2014
ASC, GAA, GlobalG.A.P. Sharing the Goal of Responsible Aquaculture Sustainability Post-harvest 9 May 2014
Seafood Expo Global Marine Stewardship Council Rising in Strength Sustainability Marketing 9 May 2014
Farmed in the EU Fisheries Commissioner Backs Europe's Fish Farmers at Seafood Expo Global 2014 Sustainability Economics 8 May 2014
Potential for Aquaculture in Southland Investigated Through New Project Sustainability Economics 8 May 2014
Scottish Fisheries Secretary Highlights Success of Salmon's Protected Status Sustainability Marketing Salmonids 8 May 2014
Dawnfresh Awarded Freedom Food Certification for Rainbow Trout Sustainability Economics Trout 8 May 2014
New Studentship Placement For MSD UK Aquaculture Team Technology & equipment Economics 7 May 2014 Sponsored
Courts Reject Chilean Salmon Company's Immunity from Harvesting Health Biosecurity Salmonids 7 May 2014
Seafood Global Expo: Viet Nam Moves to Build Sustainable Pangasius Supply Chain Health Biosecurity 7 May 2014
New Aquaculture Farms to be Built in Ernakulam Technology & equipment Economics Crustaceans 7 May 2014
Golden Corps Blue Shrimp Production to Hit 1,500 tonnes Sustainability Economics Crustaceans 7 May 2014
Friend of the Sea and GLOBALG.A.P. Team Up on Sustainable Aquaculture Certification Sustainability Economics 7 May 2014
Irish Sea Fisheries Board Helps Provide Top Graduates to the Seafood Processing Sector Sustainability Economics 6 May 2014
Alaska Fish Factor: Good Prices for Halibut and Sablefish Harvesters Sustainability Economics Halibut 6 May 2014