Aquaculture for all

India Ag Minister Pledges Development for Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission

INDIA - India's Agriculture Minister, Shri Radha Mohan Singh announced the government plans to develop a policy for aquaculture growth in the country.

The announcement was made while inaugurating the 33rd session of Asia Pacific Fisheries Commission at Hyderabad, reports India Education Diary.

The Minister said, ‘Blue growth’ is another important area for sustainable food security. The oceans and the inland waters of our countries offer excellent scope for blue growth.

The under-exploited potential resources of the country can usher in a ‘blue revolution’ or ‘aquaplosion’ by utilising the same.

The resources are to be judiciously and rationally utilised for Aquaculture. We are also planning to develop a policy for aquaculture growth in the country, considering its vast potentials.’

Highlighting the importance of the fisheries sector in providing livelihood to a large section of the population and also vast potential of fisheries in the country, the Minister strongly advocated sustainability and fishermen’s welfare.

He said: "Sustainable growth of fisheries and aquaculture is possible only if the sector’s socio-economic benefits accrue to a large social spectrum.

"The maxim for policy makers should aim at ensuring the desired growth duly preserving the natural resource base and millions of livelihood; since fisheries and aquaculture are predominantly livelihood activities.

"Therefore, we should not forget the marine fishers, fish farmers and their welfare in our obsession for increasing fish production and productivity."

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