Climate change is a reality and it will affect aquaculture. Sena S. De Silva of Deakin University, Australia discusses the challenges that climate change poses for aquaculture.
This article, from the FAO's "The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture 2012" report, looks at the history and importance of how rice and fish farming can be combined, and also how it promotes enhanced food production and wealth.
Low-input culture practices have been developed for freshwater prawns to effectively manage their growth and biological characteristics. With low nutritional requirements for long-chain fatty acids, the prawns can be grown on diets with no fishmeal or fish oil…
With the reproductivity of farmed fish a major concern for the aquaculture industry, the Genetics and Reproduction Group at theInstitute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland, has carried out researchto tackle common problems including sexual maturation impacts o…
Tilapia breeding is profitable only if it is solely focused on male populations. Hormonal inversion methods currently used to produce these populations have, however, many drawbacks. CIRAD has been investigating a genetic approach for several years and just di…