ERS research conducted over the past two decades provides a number of lessons that can help identify efficient and effective means of implementing the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010.
Nofima scientist Agnar Sivertsen has developed a new system for automatic inspection of cod fillets known as hyperspectral imaging. As well as detecting unwanted elements, the system can provide information about how fresh the fish is.
Global production of fish from aquaculture has grown substantially in the past decade, reaching 52.5 million tonnes in 2008, compared with 32.4 million tonnes in 2000. This report from the FAO gives an overview of world aquaculture.
This short discussion paper by Sustainable FisheriesPartnership (SFP) examines the arguments infavour of public access to environmental informationaround salmon aquaculture and the benefits forproducers, and reviews the current arrangementsin four different lo…
There is a strong level of consensus among the aquaculture industry, NGOs and consumer organisations that certified organic aquacultureoffers credible ways to overcome the sustainability deficits of this sector. Speaking at Aquaculture Europe 2011, Stefan Berg…
US feed grain production estimates have been lowered for 2011/12, according to Tom Capehart and Edward Allen in the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.