Technical Bulletin:
Too often tanks and trays will be washed down without appreciating the need to
disinfect the minute amounts of organic matter containing viruses or
Flavobacteria that will be sequestered in scratches or pipe joins. These
organisms are often the cause of infections such as IPN or myxobacterial fry
disease in the first feeders.
Cleaning thoroughly is certainly a first requirement, but thereafter, spraying
or soaking with ANTEC(R) Virkon(R) S for Aquaculture at 1:200 dilution will
destroy viral and bacterial agents lurking in scratches on the tanks or in the
pipework. Cleaning and then spraying walls and ceilings, as well as the
concrete floors, is also essential. Where gravel floors are used, they should
be raked and then ANTEC(R) Virkon(R) S for Aquaculture sprayed over the surface,
which is then raked and sprayed again.
Emeritus Professor Ron Roberts of the University of Stirling comments, "Since
the beginning of 2003, many of the largest salmon hatcheries in Scotland have
used this strategy and following improvements in first feeding results, have now
adopted it as a standard protocol."
Further details on hatchery hygiene and copies of the ANTEC(R) Virkon(R) S for
Aquaculture biosecurity leaflet can be obtained by calling (+44) 01787 377305;
e-mailing biosecurity@gbr.dupont.com or visiting the website www.ahs.dupont.com
To ensure regulatory compliance please read the product label carefully.
Brought to you by DuPont Animal Health Solutions - created from Antec
International(TM) and BioSentry(R) to bring new life to biosecurity
(R) and TM indicate trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont or its
For further information on biosecurity for aquaculture production visit http://www.antecint.co.uk/main/aquacult.htm or visit http://www.antecint.com/ to
access the world's largest biosecurity internet resource.
Source: DuPont Animal Health Solutions - February 2005