With an average annual growth rate of 8.9 per cent since1970, aquaculture is now considered to be the fastestgrowing food-producing sector in the world. Dr Melba G Bondad-Reantaso and Dr Rohana P Subasinghe from FAO look at the global economic impact of diseas…
The sea lice parasite is the greatest disease problem facing the Norwegian aquaculture industry. But help may be on its way an army of 15 million lice-eating Ballan wrasse, according to the Research Council of Norway.
Many estuarine and coastalaquatic environments have been sinksfor industrial and agricultural effluentsfor hundreds, perhaps thousands ofyears, according to Michael Leaver and Stephen George from the University of Sterling.
Inserting a permanent catheter through the snout and the blood vessels at the level of the gills makes it is possible to take frequent blood samples while the fish moves around as usual, according to Janne Karin Brodin. from the Department of Animal and Aquacu…