Many estuarine and coastalaquatic environments have been sinksfor industrial and agricultural effluentsfor hundreds, perhaps thousands ofyears, according to Michael Leaver and Stephen George from the University of Sterling.
Inserting a permanent catheter through the snout and the blood vessels at the level of the gills makes it is possible to take frequent blood samples while the fish moves around as usual, according to Janne Karin Brodin. from the Department of Animal and Aquacu…
The Canadian Ministry of Agriculture and Lands monitors finfish aquacultures use of therapeutants in food fish by requiring feed mills to report all prescription orders on an annual basis. In-feed medication is the only practical method of delivering therapeut…
Science has progressed at an astonishing rate over the last ten years alone. Some of the most important developments in scientific breakthrough have been in the realm of agriculture, aquaculture, biotechnology, atmospheric & oceanic science.