Kelp ecosystems form widespread underwater forests playing a major role in structuring the biodiversity at a regional scale. Some seaweeds such as Laminaria digitata are also economically important, being exploited for their alginate and iodine content. Virgin…
Disease caused by Dactylogyrus vastator has resulted in considerable economic damage in aquaculture, write Xiao P. Zhang et al, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Amazonian fish resources are a huge source of food for inhabitants of the basin and some commercial species have shown a potential of developing sustainable aquaculture systems, writes Luis Gabriel Quintero Pinto1Laboratorio de Ictiologa, FMVZ- UN Colombia.
Among the seven spiny lobster species found in the waters off Vietnam, Panulirus ornatus, P. homarus and P. polyphagus have been selected for farming because of demand, high prices and abundance of wild seeds, write Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, Research Institute for…
Lepeophtheirus salmonis is a major ectoparasite pathogen of farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Northern Hemisphere. Sea lice infestations have a detrimental effect on health, production and market value of fish. The ecological impact on intensive salm…
There have been numerous reports of plastic debris accumulation in surface waters of the central North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Further, incidences have been reported of plastic ingestion by different marine organisms, including seabirds and small planktivoro…
Technological innovation has made it possible to grow marine finfish in the coastal and open ocean. Along with this opportunity comes environmental risk. As a federal agency charged with stewardship of the nations marine resources, the National Oceanic and Atm…
Plastic debris litters aquatic habitats globally, the majority of which is microscopic (< 1 mm), and is ingested by a large range of species. Chelsea M. Rochman et al, University of California, US, show that fish, exposed to a mixture of polyethylene with c…
The relationship between fish health and muscle growth is critical for continued expansion of the aquaculture industry. The effect of immune stimulation on the expression of genes related to the energy balance of fish is poorly understood,write Nicholas J Pool…
Edwardsiella tarda is an enterobacterium which causes edwardsiellosis, a fatal disease of cultured fishes such as red sea bream, eel and flounder. Preventing the occurrence of E. tarda infection has thus been an important issue in aquaculture. E. tarda has bee…
Marine food webs are the most important link between the global contaminant, methylmercury (MeHg), and humanexposure through consumption of seafood. Jennifer A. Dijkstra et al, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve, US, look at how warming temperatures may…
People who are food and nutrition insecure largely reside in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa and for many, fish represents a rich source of protein, micronutrients and essential fatty acids. The contribution of fish to household food and nutrition security depends…
The bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) is a species of freshwater fish that is native to a large region of North America, from Quebec to Northern Mexico. The species is a popular sport fish and a member of the sunfish family (Centrarchidae), which is also the fami…
A PhD research project at the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science has provided essential knowledge about the mechanisms leading to feed-induced enteritis in salmon and also insight into the salmon's intestinal immune defence system.
In its most basic form, your property is a wildlife preserve that performs a very important function: maintaining lifes natural balance, writes Marijn van Haaren, All Pond Solutions.
Aquaculture continues to boost overall fish supply, pushing quotations down from earlier levels. Fish consumption per capita keeps growing with aquaculture in the process of overtaking capture fisheries as the main source of supply for direct human consumption…
Not all aquaculture is created equal, but aquaculture in the United States operates within one of the most comprehensive regulatory environments in the world. Projects that are sited in US waters must meet a suite of federal, state, and local regulations that …
Boarding and inspection schemes conducted by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs) have a dual role to promote compliance and facilitate enforcement of deferring illegal fishing and protective fish stock. Some RFMOs manage all the fish stocks fou…
In order to help the performance of US catfish farmers, scientists at the USDA Agricultural Research Service are examining breeding, nutrition, genetics, and management practices to produce better hybrid catfish.
The Adivasi Fisheries Project, aimed at diversifying livelihood options for resource-poor Adivasi communities in the North and Northwest of Bangladesh, was implemented during 20079. Aquaculture and related technologies were introduced to a total of 3594 resour…
This article examines two strands of discourse on wild capture fisheries; one that focuses on resource sustainability and environmental impacts, another related to food and nutrition security and human well-being. Available data and research show that, for cou…
Temperature is one of key environmental parameters that affect the whole life of fishes and an increasing number of studies have been directed towards understanding the mechanisms of cold acclimation in fish.
There is an increasing need to evaluate the links between the social and ecological dimensions of human vulnerability to climate change. Joshua E. Cinner et al, James Cook University, Australia, use an empirical case study of 12 coastal communities and associa…
Labelling for export can be a complicated process - not only do you have to ensure that you adhere to the minefield of legislation, but you also want to make sure that the customer is impressed - after all the label is what every customer will see before they …
This report by Monica Favnebe Solberg et al, Institute of Marine Research, Norway, looked at the growth reaction norms of domesticated, wild and hybrid Atlantic salmon families in response to differing social and physical environments.
The detection of pathogens at early stages of infection is a key point for disease control in aquaculture. This work by Dagoberto Seplveda et al, University Catlica de Valparaso, Chile, aims to design a unique RT-qPCR assay for pathogen detection in the three …
Cultivated bivalves rely on natural seston for growth and metabolic processes. Because seston is a limited resource, there is a need to better understand its distribution and fluxes within culture embayments, so farms can be positioned optimally within these d…
Intensive production of mainly carnivorous fish has resulted in fish feeds containing high levels of fishmeal and fish oil, with Europe requiring around 1.9 million tonnes a year, writes Nathan Atkinson, MSc Sustainable Aquaculture Systems student, Fish Nutrit…
The ongoing battle to combat sea lice remains one of the major issues facing salmon farmers of today. The parasite poses a significant threat to aquaculture operations worldwide. Whilst a number of preventative methods and post-infestation treatments, includin…
Water temperature control to optimize fish growth is one the deciding factors favoring land - based aquaculture. Maintaining optimal temperature for growth removes the seasonal variations often found in fish feeding and growth rates as temperatures change, wri…
Enteric Redmouth Disease (ERM), caused by Yersinia ruckeri, is one of the most important infectious diseases in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) aquaculture in Europe. More recently, non-motile vaccine resistant isolates appear to have evolved and are causi…
Although aquaculture in the Mediterranean is a relatively young industry, finfish diseases have been reported to cause considerable problems and mortalities among the farmed stocks. In response, P. Arechavala-Lopez et al, University of Alicante, Spain, focus o…
Fishmeal is very extensively used in feeds for fish as well as other animals. A recent global survey estimated aquaculture consumption of fishmeal at 3724 thousand tonnes in 2006 (Tacon and Metian 2008). Now it is becoming increasingly evident that such contin…
Tra catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) is a dominant cultured species in Vietnam in terms of production. Its aquaculture production in 2011 was approximate 1.2 million metric tons. The main culture system for tra catfish is intensive model in earthen ponds with…
Concerns over fishing impacts on marine populations and ecosystems have intensified the need to improve ocean management. One increasingly popular market-based instrument for ecological stewardship is the use of certification and eco-labeling programs to highl…
In the context of resource management and spatial planning, tools are needed to help decision makers assess the potential of coastal areas for various activities. Among these, shellfish culture presents the particularity of exploiting natural resources as well…
This FAO document is a practical guide that includes a list and the technical details of materials to construct a hexagonal wooden cage for fish farming, and its mooring system, for use in artisanal aquaculture. Instructions for assembling the various componen…
With a need to guarantee complete coverage of fish cages during an inspection to prevent escapees through damaged net, Per Rundtop et al, SINTEF, have studied underwater vehicle navigation systems for net inspection in salmon aquaculture.
S. aurata is a marine fish living along the Atlantic coasts of Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. It is an important food species, so that its production reached 128,943 t in the European aquaculture in 2008. However, little is known on its biology, in particul…
The expansion of global aquaculture production is increasing the demand for aquaculture feeds. Fishmeal is the main and most critical ingredient in aqua-feed production. The increasing cost of fishmeal has encouraged feed manufacturers search for cheaper alter…