Purple-hinge rock scallops are highly prized by local communities and harvested for subsistence in coastal Alaska. To evaluate the suitability of purplehinge rock scallops for mariculture in Alaska, R. RaLonde, K. Brenner and A. C. M. Oliveira of the Universit…
The Ministry for Primary Industries has published the Governments Aquaculture Strategy and Five-year Action Plan. The plan sets out the government pathway to facilitate the sustainable growth of New Zealands aquaculture sector, working to enable the sector to …
Strong supply growth of farmed salmon in 2012 and firm underlying demand should bring stability to this market thanks to attractive prices, according to the FAO Global Food Outloook.
Tilapia is losing ground in the US market whilst catfish supply is expected to increase during 2012 but with a stronger focus on quality and safety, according to the FAO Global Food Outloook.
Evaluations of the passage of feed through the intestines of white shrimp shows that shrimp consume feed much faster when temperatures are above 32 C, writes Dr Carlos A. Ching, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Taken from the Global Aquaculture Advocate, a Glob…
Low-input culture practices have been developed for freshwater prawns to effectively manage their growth and biological characteristics. With low nutritional requirements for long-chain fatty acids, the prawns can be grown on diets with no fishmeal or fish oil…
Shrimp supply squeeze from bad weather and production problems keep prices high but new season will bring relief. No crisis for imported shellfish and canned molluscs in European markets, according to the FAO Global Food Outloook.
The worlds fisheries and aquaculture sectors have gone through a dramatic development in the last 60 years, and there have been large increases in their production, according to the Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN.
Doctoral research carried out by Mona Gjessing from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science shows that pathological changes in cod differ from those found in diseased salmon, and cod that appear clinically healthy can nevertheless be affected by extensive c…
Roughly one-third of the edible parts of food produced for human consumption, gets lost or wasted globally, which is about 1.3 billion ton per year. Food is wasted throughout the food supply chain, from initial agricultural production down to final household c…
Having previously looked at the effectiveness and fitting of square mesh panels, Mike Montgomerie,Gear Technologist at Seafish, discusses the use of vertical andhorizontal separator panels, andcoverless trawls.
In the last in a series ofarticles, Mike Montgomerie,Gear Technologist at Seafish, discusses the use of flexibleand rigid grids. With the increasingimportance of social, economicand political factors as a bigpart of the issue Seafish geartrial work over the la…
Low market prices challenge the Chinese tilapia industry as it seeks to become sustainable, writes Dr Liu Liping and Dr Zhang Zongfen from Shanghai Ocean University, and Dr Francis Murray and Dr David Little from the University of Stirling. Taken from the Glob…
This overview report addresses opportunities for the development of the Pacific Islandsmariculture sector in general terms. More specific analysis of opportunity in particularcountries is presented in the five accompanying country reports (Cook Islands, Fiji,P…
At Global Aquaculture Alliances recent GOAL 2011 conference in Santiago, Chile, Executive Director Wally Stevens discussed in his welcoming remarks the five major challenges between us and our objective of responsibly doubling aquaculture production in a decad…
In the fourth of a series ofarticles for Fishing news,Mike Montgomerie, GearTechnologist at Seafish, continues by examining theoptions for fitting squaremesh panels.
Probiotic bacteria are a sustainable approach to modulate the gut microflora towards a favorable composition, which is of utmost importance since the digestive system of fish and shrimp is an important entrance point for infections.
In this third article in the series, MikeMontgomery from Seafish, starts tolook at specific devices,starting with squaremesh panels, to see howeffective they have proved to bein various fisheries.
Research by Thomas Hecht from Rhodes University, South Africa reviews feeds and fertilisers for sustainable aquaculture development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The study highlights the lack of capacity and knowledge to do with feed technology, a need for more…
Daniel Lee, Best Aquaculture PracticesStandards Coordinator with theGlobal Aquaculture Alliance looks at how aquaculture certification helps buyers and builds trust. Taken from the Global Aquaculture Advocate, a Global Aquaculture Alliance publication.
With the reproductivity of farmed fish a major concern for the aquaculture industry, the Genetics and Reproduction Group at theInstitute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland, has carried out researchto tackle common problems including sexual maturation impacts o…
In the second of aseries of articles,Mike Montgomerie,gear technologist atSeafish, gives hisperspective on theissue of discards andthe work that Seafishand the industryhave been doing tohelp develop newselective technologiesand net-basedfishing activitiesto re…
The economic importance of sandfish to poor rural Asian communitiestriggered a collaborative, multinational research effort to advance breedingand rearing techniques when fish numbers started to decline, writes Catherine Norwood, Australian Centre for Internat…
In the first of a seriesof articles, MikeMontgomerie, gear technologistat Seafish, giveshis perspective on theissue and the work that Seafish,along with industry, has beendoing to help develop new selectivetechnologies and net-basedfishing activities to reduce…
Michael Phillips, from The World Fish Centre and Rohana Subasinghe, from FAO look at trends, future prospects and adaptation of small-scale shrimp farmers in the global markets, to ensure that the continue to provide important economic and social benefits. Tak…
Students, small-business owners and professors convened earlier this month in a Campbell Hall lecture room at the University of Virginia to watch bluefin tuna get hauled into boats on a movie screen as they sampled local trout and sustainable barramundi hors d…
Tilapia breeding is profitable only if it is solely focused on male populations. Hormonal inversion methods currently used to produce these populations have, however, many drawbacks. CIRAD has been investigating a genetic approach for several years and just di…
Fish farming in Nigeria is currently a very lucrative business and it is mainly boosted by the continuous rise in the demand for catfish, reports the Nigerian Tribune.
Australia's fisheries are amongst the best managed in the world and they are without doubt sustainable, according to a report by Dr Ray Hilborn, Professor of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences,University of Washington and Dr Bob Kearney, Emeritus Professor in Fish…
Using effluent from fish farming ponds to feed plants while retreating the water naturally is the basic principle of aquaponics. It is also behind an ambitious project called Apiva. It involves the Lyce de la Canourgue college in Lozre, France, ITAVI, CIRAD in…
Forthe last three years, the University ofArkansas at Pine has partnered withThe University of Tennessee andTexas A&M University on a projectfunded by the USDAs SouthernRegional Aquaculture Center to developcroakers as an inland, low-salinitymarine baitfis…
With detection of viral hemorrhagic septicemiavirus (VHSV) in the Great Lakes in 2005, the USDAAnimal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)has been involved in nationwide surveillance for thisdisease, writes Carolyn Gunn, DVM, Assistant State Fish Pathol…
This report presents estimates of the financial and economic performance of two key Commonwealth fisheries: the Northern Prawn Fishery (NPF) and the Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery (BSCZSF). Research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resour…
Research at the University of Iowa looks at methods to protect the Pacific white shrimp against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Double stranded RNA was synthesized in vitro withsequences corresponding to portions of the WSSV genomeand were injected into shri…
Indoor hatching of fathead minnow eggs may be an option for producers seeking evenaged fry to grow large volumes of relatively uniform minnows, although the economics of this alternative method remain to be determined, writes Nathan Stone, Extension Fisheries …
This report explores some of the main approaches that will (partly) fulfil the conditions and challenges that must be overcome for valid and viable alternative feedstuffs to fishmeal.