Its ironic that just when Earth-monitoring satellites are needed more than ever to address the food and freshwater demands of a burgeoning global human population, we face an impending gap in coverage by the Landsat program.
The herring has much to learn from potatoes and coffee when it comes to marketing and developing new products, according to Audun Iversen, Research Scientist at the food research institute Nofima
The Australian seafood industry plays an important role in employment. This study looks at current employment information in the seafood industry and highlights the need for more transparent data and available information on employment, education and training.…
Management of the goliath grouper, the largest member of the seabass family, has become an intensely debated issue in recent years. The University of Florida has been looking at the most recent science-based information on the biology and ecology of goliath gr…
Broad concern and confusion about antibiotic use on farms have been expressed by the general public and policymakers, according to a white paper published from the 2011 National Institute for Animal Agriculture Symposium Proceedings on Antibiotic Use in Food A…
An overview of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development's macroeconomic assumptions and sector-specific production forecasts on grain, sugar, oilseeds, meat, poultry, dairy, fishery, forestry, and food retail/catering in the latest GAIN report from USDA Fo…
There is growing interest in the use of beneficial bacteria,probiotics, as an alternative strategy to antimicrobial compoundsfor disease prevention and control in aquaculture. These naturallyoccurring bacteria exert their beneficial effects on the host bymodif…
A team of researchers from the Universitat Politcnica de Valncias CUINA group has achieved a 50 per cent reduction in the amount of salt in already desalted cod, thus obtaining a final product that preserves all its sensory properties and is particularly suita…
US feed grain production estimates have been lowered for 2011/12, according to Tom Capehart and Edward Allen in the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.