Bacterial and viral infections have caused disastrous collapses of the shrimp farming industry. Import regulations, consumer demands and sustainable management strategies restrict the number of drugs available to treat pathogens. Vaccines are ineffective in cr…
The aim of this guide from the Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM) is to provide practical and contemporary guidelines on the handling and quality of brill, turbot and halibut at all stages, from capture to the first point of sale.
The aim of this guide from the Irish Sea Fisheries Board (BIM) is to provide practical and contemporary guidelines on the handling and quality of mackerel, at all stages, from capture to the first point of sale.
If you want to start a fish farm in another country there are a variety of factors you must think about. Speaking at the Aqua Nor 2015 conference in Trondheim, Norway, Bjorn Myrseth, Vitamar AS, shares his experiences of over 40 years working in the aquacultur…