The gloomy situation with regard to shrimp demand is now also present in the EU, an area which was more positive for shrimp consumption earlier this year, reports FAO Globefish.
When it comes to seafood, consumers face a paradox, says a report in the CONSENSUS brochure: 'Towards Sustainable Aquaculture in Europe'. Health researchers agree that people should eat more seafood and this is confirmed by advice from our doctors and health i…
All feed grains prices are lowered this month as financial and macroeconomic developments have combined with supply and demand fundamentals to reduce grain prices in 2008/09, reports the ERS USDA.
World food prices have fallen farther and faster than can be explained through production gains alone. Underlying the price slide are other important factors, including the financial crisis, the halving of world crude oil prices. Here, the FAO Food Outlook mar…
While the meat industry has had quality assurance and traceability systems for some time - most dating back to the outbreak of BSE in the UK in the mid '90s - the fish and shellfish industries have shown a tendency to lag behind, writes Chris Harris, Senior Ed…
Russia's fishing industry is currently experiencing several serious challenges including an obsolete fleet, confusing regulations, lack of processing facilities, and dwindling fisheries, says a report prepared by Mary Ellen Smith, USDA Foreign Agricultural Ser…
By ERS USDA. This monthly report examines supply, use, prices, and trade for feed grains, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries. Focuses on corn; also contains information on sorghum, barley, oats, and hay.
2008 is expected to be a record year for the Vietnamese catfish industry, despite of current problems in the Mekong Delta, says Helga Josupeit, FAO Globefish.
Country of Origin Labelling is the next step to an entirely open marketplace for the US. In an ideal supermarket, consumers can understand as well as see the product that they are purchasing and they can monitor the system of production which has brought it to…
The declining trend in shrimp consumption persisted in Japan during the first half of the year, although the yen remained strong and shrimp prices were stable in the international market, according to a report prepared by INFOPESCA for FAO Globefish.
Acquaculture in New Zealand could be a billion-dollar industry if only they make the right commitments, according to the New Zealand National Party's aquaculture and fisheries policy.
The widespread emergence of self-governance raises interesting and important questions. Have there been policy or institutional changes that have enabled or empowered industry self-governance on this global basis and are there factors that are limiting the dev…
A fall in US feed grain production this month largely caused by dry weather has only partially been offset by increases in foreign production, according to the US Feed Outlook by the Economic Research Service of the USDA.
Alaska led all states in volume with fish landings of 5.3 billion pounds, followed by Louisiana 951.2 million pounds; Virginia 481.7 million pounds; Washington 456.2 million pounds; and California 385.9 million pounds says a report - released by the National M…
This report was published by the News South Wales, Department of Primary Industries, Primefact #825. The New South Wales wild harvest commercial fishing industry is a dynamic network of skilled businesses.
Aquatic resources to produce clean energy could be part of the answer to meeting the world's energy needs and demands, writes TheFishSite Senior Editor Chris Harris.