“The Conservation Alliance applauds the progress that some of the companies highlighted in the updated Greenpeace retailer report are making on the path to seafood sustainability. Many of the companies making progress are partnering with Conservation Alliance participants to move ahead with specific sustainable seafood policies and market initiatives.
* "Long-term sustainability will require continued effort on many fronts " |
“ “Greenpeace has developed its retailer ranking and reporting system separately from the Common Vision. However, we all care about preserving the health of the ocean and freshwater ecosystems and ensuring a long-term seafood supply.
“Some businesses are already advancing initiatives to support sustainable seafood production and procurement, but long-term sustainability will require continued effort on many fronts throughout the seafood and retail industry.
“Conservation Alliance participants are fully committed to working with companies that buy and sell seafood as they move toward improved sustainability, by forming strategic partnerships and using the six steps outlined in the Common Vision as a guide.”