Andrew Mcdonald, Angela Caporelli, Shawn Coyle and James Tidwell from Kentucky State University look at local farmers' markets as possible direct retail outlets for fresh, whole, freshwater prawn.
Siddhartha Dasgupta, Kelly Probst and Scarlett Wesley from the Aquaculture Research Centre at Kentucky State University look at direct marketing of aquaculture products to Hispanic consumers in the University's newsletter, Kentucky Aquatic Farming.
The Regulation on organic aquaculture animal (fish, molluscs, crustaceans) and seaweed production entered into force on 1 July 2010. Certification in the Member States used to be based on private standards or national specifications, but the new Regulation imp…
This study, by N. Ahmed from the Department of Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, describes the existing marketing systems of low-valued cultured fish with its value chain analysis. Theaim of this paper is to highlight key issues determi…