Aquaculture for all

Increased Food Certifying Expected

Marketing Economics Food safety & handling +3 more

UK - The independent certification of seafood will become increasingly important in the coming years to ensure the sector can continue to enjoy market growth and compete effectively with other foodstuffs, said Martin Gill, Managing Director of Food Certification International.

Mr Gill made his comment after the company was named as a finalist in the Aquaculture Supplier of the Year category at the Crown Estate Marine Aquaculture Awards in Edinburgh.

Mr Gill said: “We are delighted that our innovation in the provision of certification services for the Scottish aquaculture sector was recognised at the Marine Aquaculture Awards.”

“We are proud of our track record of diversification and forward thinking to meet the needs of the industry by delivering highly regarded, independent, transparent, cost effective and efficient inspection and certification services for a wide range of relevant industry standards.”

After praising the company for its hard work, Mr Gill went on to talk about the importance of high quality products on a more competitive market.

“In an increasingly competitive market where consumers are more aware than ever of the provenance of their food, it is vital that the aquaculture and commercial fishing sectors stay ahead of the game by further highlighting their environmental credentials and responsible practices.

“The marketplace for seafood is now truly global and companies looking to succeed need a product that stands out from the crowd and can be clearly differentiated in terms of quality and innovation. Price is often no longer the over-riding factor when making purchases; the primary focus is increasingly on the quality of the product and where it comes from.

“Of particular importance in recent years has been the trend – driven both by legislative and consumer pressure – for full product traceability. For example, retail chains, food service companies and consumers are all looking for documented proof that the fish and seafood they buy is sourced from sustainable aquaculture and fisheries where best practice procedures are adopted at every stage in the food chain.”

“This scenario is as true with seafood as with any other foodstuff and if the seafood sector is to maintain and develop its markets then it has to ensure that its products are in line with consumer trends and expectations. However, rather than being seen as a hindrance to development, such trends should be regarded as an economic opportunity to be grasped,” he concluded.

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