In 2008, Marine Harvest - the world's largest aquaculture company - succumbed to a devastating annual loss of over 2.8 billion Norwegian Kroner. At the heart of this downfall lies a biological situation in Chile rapidly growing out of control, writes Adam Anso…
In Asia, fish-borne zoonotic trematodes (FZT), including liver and intestinal flukes, are widely reported, say a research team from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
Early this year it was reported that Viet Nam had become the world's eighth largest seafood exporter, but behind these tidy headlines lies a mish-mash of inter-related management and environmental issues. In these topsy-turvy financial times will the Vietnames…
The Newfoundland Labrador seafood industry experienced another record performance in 2008, despite a world-wide economic crisis, high fuel costs and competition from low-cost producers, reports Newfoundland Labrador Fisheries and Aquaculture review.