2009 has been a busy year for the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation (SSPO). Committed to achieving an average three to five per cent increase in production per year over the next five years, whilst safeguarding Scotland's marine environment as well as rea…
In this report, Ecotrust lays out ten programme features that the Council should address to improve the design of the Pacific Fishery Management Council's proposed catch share programmeme for the West Coast Trawl Fishery.
Off-shore oil spills can do great harm to many components of natural ecosystems, and could be more topical at the moment with the situation in the Gulf of Mexico. This research from the University of Florida Extension looks at the effects of oil spills on mari…
Researchers at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain look at what is necessary for the Common Fisheries reform, with a particular focus on sustainability.
With an annual value of about 7.3 million saithe(Pollachius virens) is, by weight, the seccond mostabundant demersal species landed by the Scottishfleet.