Researchers from the Centre for Research-based Innovation for Aquaculture Technology (CREATE) at SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture have published an extensive review regarding the causes of escapes from Norwegian sea-cage aquaculture over the past decade. Writt…
The rising prevalence of self service prepacked fish is opening the door for co-product specialists, like Francois Meurice, the founder of Valofish, writes Peter Crosskey in the last in the series of features on teh French fishery industry.
"Good for the sea and good for you" is the slogan of Mr Goodfish, a quality and sustainability label that sets out to encourage consumers across Europe to enjoy sustainable fisheries in season, writes Peter Crosskey in the third in the series of features on th…
July this year saw the establishment of Europe's largest health and safety agency as the food standards agency, AFSSA, joins forces with environmental and workplace health agency, AFSSET, to form the Agence National de Scurit Sanitaire (ANSES), writes Peter Cr…
Speaking at Aquaculture 2010, Dr Rik Breur from Micanti, explained how non-toxic antifouling is a break-through for an industry battling with biofouling. Charlotte Johnston, TheFishSite junior editor reports.