A six-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the suitability of animal oils as total replacement for cod liver oil (CO) in rainbow trout juvenile feeds. The effect of animal fats on the growth performance, survival and fatty acid profile was measured.…
Ruth Francis-Floyd, University of Florida IFAS extension looks at successful fish health management. The document provides and introduction to disease, the types of fish diseases and what to do if fish are sick.
Previous studies have shown that higher sea temperatures tend to reduce both appetite and growth rates in farmed salmon. A recent NIFES study has demonstrated that salmon grow better at lower temperatures than was previously believed.
Gentle and short-lived crowding and pumping from the sea cage to the processing vessel is best in order to achieve good quality and long shelf life of salmon fillet. This is one of the conclusions of a project carried out at Marine Harvest from 2010-2011 invol…
Researchers from the USDA/ARS National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture, Leetown, USA have conducted genome scans of rainbow trout families from a single broodstock population to identify the effect quantitative trait loci (QTL) have on stress respon…