In the last in a series ofarticles, Mike Montgomerie,Gear Technologist at Seafish, discusses the use of flexibleand rigid grids. With the increasingimportance of social, economicand political factors as a bigpart of the issue Seafish geartrial work over the la…
Production of trout in the UK is increasing, according to a study by the Levercliff Associates, writes Patrick Smith, Chairman of the British Trout Association.
With the reproductivity of farmed fish a major concern for the aquaculture industry, the Genetics and Reproduction Group at theInstitute of Aquaculture, Stirling, Scotland, has carried out researchto tackle common problems including sexual maturation impacts o…
In the second of aseries of articles,Mike Montgomerie,gear technologist atSeafish, gives hisperspective on theissue of discards andthe work that Seafishand the industryhave been doing tohelp develop newselective technologiesand net-basedfishing activitiesto re…
The economic importance of sandfish to poor rural Asian communitiestriggered a collaborative, multinational research effort to advance breedingand rearing techniques when fish numbers started to decline, writes Catherine Norwood, Australian Centre for Internat…
In the first of a seriesof articles, MikeMontgomerie, gear technologistat Seafish, giveshis perspective on theissue and the work that Seafish,along with industry, has beendoing to help develop new selectivetechnologies and net-basedfishing activities to reduce…