Seafish Offers Guidance on New Fish Labelling Requirements Sustainability Technology & equipment 21 November 2014
Final Rule for King, Spanish Mackerel in South Atlantic Published Sustainability Politics 21 November 2014
Icelandic Seachill and Aldi Settle Saucy Fish Copyright Battle Sustainability Marketing Salmonids 21 November 2014
North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission Makes Limited Progress Sustainability Politics 21 November 2014
EU and Senegal Sign Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Agreement Sustainability Politics 21 November 2014
South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission Moves to Mozambique Sustainability Politics 20 November 2014
Farmed Yellowtail Kingfish Certified Friend of the Sea Sustainable Sustainability Economics 20 November 2014
The Use of Drones for Tackling Illegal Fishing Sustainability Technology & equipment 20 November 2014
Organic Mussel Farmers Receive Funding to Help Maintain Certifications Economics Politics 19 November 2014
Seafish Delivers Seafood Importance Message to Northern Ireland Schools Sustainability Marketing 19 November 2014
Prince Edward Island Lobster Trap Fishery Certified Sustainable Sustainability Economics Crustaceans 19 November 2014
Deadly Oyster Bacteria Mistakenly Identified by Scientists Health Biosecurity Oysters 19 November 2014
Free Trade Agreement with China to Benefit Australian Fishing Industry Sustainability Economics 18 November 2014
Squid Excluded From South Korea-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement Sustainability Economics 18 November 2014
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Population Recovery at Threat as Quotas Increased Sustainability Economics Tuna 18 November 2014
Weekly Overview: Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas Increased, No Protection for Sharks Sustainability Economics Tuna 18 November 2014
Tassal Completes ASC Certification for All Salmon Farming Operations Sustainability Economics Salmonids 17 November 2014
Omega Protein Fish Meal/Oil Recertified Friend of the Sea Sustainability Post-harvest 17 November 2014
Replacement of Fishmeal with Microalgae on Common Carp Weight Gain, Meat, Composition and Survival Nutrition 17 November 2014 The use of blue green algae Spirulina in aquaculture has several potential advantages over the production of fish, writes Nasreen M. Abdulrahman and Hawkar J. Hamad Ameen, University of Sulaimaniya.
UK Consumers Expect Retailers, Restaurants to Provide Sustainable Seafood Sustainability Economics 14 November 2014