The recent grains stocks report confirms that supplies are tight, according to Tom Capehart and Edward Allen in the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.
High ingredient prices in 2008 led feed mills to begin manufacturing new, less expensive feed formulations untested under commercial catfish farming conditions. New feed formulations have been tested at the University of Arkansas Pine Bluff (UAPB) for the past…
Fishmeal and fish oil have traditionally been the main ingredients in feed for farmed salmon. Today, less is used of these ingredients. To find out how much fish oil and fishmeal goes into the production of farmed fish, Fish In Fish Out (FIFO) is calculated, w…
Commercial Malaysian aquaculture began in the 1980s. In the last five years the aquaculture sector has recorded an annual growth rate of about 10 per cent.
Fathead minnows are sold as bait,forage and feeder fish. The traditionalproduction method is the spawningrearingpond method, in which adultsare stocked and left to spawn, writes Nathone Stone, Extension Fisheries Specialist.
World coarse grain production and beginning stocks forecast for 2010/11 are reduced this month, lowering supply 2.5 million tons, according to the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.
Various opponents to the salmon farming industry claim that the fish used for producing fishmeal, should be used directly for human consumption. While this can be correct for some species, it does not tell the whole story, writes Marine Harvest.
There have been substantial technical advances in recent years which have dramatically changed the use of fish meal and the efficiency of feeding. Marine Harvest, the worlds biggest salmon producer, has now explained some of the major factors behind the fish f…
Vegetable ingredients can replace much of the fish proteins and fish oil used in conventional feeds for farmed salmon and salmon trout without sacrificing the health benefits of consumer products.
Record-high farm prices for corn in 2010/11 are expected to ration demand over the coming months, according to the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.
A market for over six million metric tons of soybean meal has been successfully created over the past 15 years through the development,field testing, and demonstration of all-plant protein, soymeal-based feeds to fish farmers in China, says Dr Michael Cremer, …