Every day, new reports are published in newspapers worldwide reporting about the effects of antibiotic resistant bacteria and their consequences on human health, according to Biomin.
Good fishing in South America and improved access to raw material has pushed fishmeal production higher over the last months with total production for 2011 about 40 per cent above 2010 levels in the major producing countries. The increased supply eliminated an…
Research by Thomas Hecht from Rhodes University, South Africa reviews feeds and fertilisers for sustainable aquaculture development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The study highlights the lack of capacity and knowledge to do with feed technology, a need for more…
This report explores some of the main approaches that will (partly) fulfil the conditions and challenges that must be overcome for valid and viable alternative feedstuffs to fishmeal.
FAO has published technical guidelines on the use of wild fish as feed in aquaculture to support sections of FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (CCRF) addressing responsible fisheries management and aquaculture development. The objective of these gu…
The Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station (MAFES) and Delta Western Research Centre (DWRC) have collaborated on catfish nutrition research for two decades with the primary goal of reducing catfish production cost by developing cost-efficient…
With high live feed costs for fish larvae in marine aquaculture, much effort has gone into replacing live feeds with inert microdiets. The ingestion and breakdown of carrageenan and alginate microdiets in Senegalese sole, post-larvae, were discussed at Aquacul…
US feed grain production estimates have been lowered for 2011/12, according to Tom Capehart and Edward Allen in the latest report from the USDA Economic Research Service.