A review into commercial fisheries policy, management and administration in New South Wales, Australia was done by an independent review team comprised of three experienced individuals Richard Stevens, Peter Neville and Ian Cartwright who have extensive expert…
As a response to the request for information regarding scientific advice on biotoxins in conjunction with the work for developing Standards for live and processed bivalve molluscs, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the World…
India's marine fisheries are in a state of crisis, despite official statements that there is still scope or fish landings to increase. Ninety per cent of India's fish resources are at or above maximum sustainable levels of exploitation (Srinath 2003, Srinath e…
Seafood export value for the first quarter of 2012 is up by 8.6 per cent compared with the first quarter of 2011 to NZ$388m, states a new seafood industry economic report from the New Zealand Seafood Industry Council.
Nutrient-rich small fish species in aquaculture have the potential to improve human nutrition and health according to a study in Bangledesh and Cambodia by Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted, Senior Nutrition Adviser to The WorldFish Center.
Stricter management of fisheries is needed to prevent overexploitation and decline of tuna and their mackerel relatives, according to an international study.