The Review Team has focussed on two main areas: firstly, the
shortcomings of commercial fisheries policy, management and administration in NSW, and secondly,
what needs to be done to fix them. Historical context is clearly relevant, and strong, often
irreconcilable views as to the solutions remain within industry, partly as a result of this history.In
the Review, we have made reference to the past only where it provides context and is relevant to
suggested future actions and recommendations.
We have particularly taken into account the NSW Liberals and Nationals Fisheries Policy Statement
Securing Sustainable, Viable and Healthy Fisheries published prior to the State Election held in
March 2011. In part, this Policy states that the new Governments aim is to ensure we have a strong
and viable commercial fishing industry. This focuses the review entirely on the commercial seafood
industry, although some comments and recommendations have application to other sectors.
In the
body of this Report, we have gone into some detail to address the terms of reference and each of
the actions set out under those terms of reference so as to provide a rationale for the Reviews
findings and recommendations.
The Review Team has taken a highly consultative approach to the Review. A Stakeholder Reference
Group from a cross section of commercial fishery stakeholders and the post harvest sector assisted
deliberations and the recommendations of many previous reviews were also considered.
Submissions were called from the industry at large and five regional meetings (incl. three open
forum meetings) were held at ports across the State. Submissions were also received from a variety
of other sources, including the recreational fishing sector, the Aboriginal fishing sector, one
Government MP, a local council and other interested parties.
The fishing industry is one of NSWs oldest primary industries and with an initial first point of sale
value of approx. $80 million for wild caught species, is the fourth most valuable food-based primary
industry in this state. Through the catching and marketing sectors, the industry provides fresh
seafood to the NSW consumer, and makes a significant contribution to many regional communities
along the NSW coastline. Catches by recreational and commercial fishers consist of well over 100
main species taken from fresh water, estuaries, inshore and oceanic waters, using a range of fishing
gears over more than 2,100km of coastline.
Fisheries resources are shared by both extractive
(recreational, commercial and Aboriginal fishers) and non-extractive (e.g. catch and release
recreational fishers and divers) users, and are subject to increasing conservation through the
establishment of Marine Parks. Under these complex conditions, provision of affordable and
effective fisheries management services to ensure desired biological and economic outcomes
presents a significant challenge.
While the exploitation status of around 50 per cent of the key species taken by NSW commercial fishers are
considered uncertain or undefined with six species considered biologically overfished, most
appear to be sustainable according to scientific reports.However, there are some anecdotal reports
of increasing depletions of some species in local areas due to fishing pressure.
There is a clear need to continue with efforts to ensure sustainability of the resource and, as far as
possible, ensure an ongoing and consistent supply of quality seafood to the consumer, while
catering for the needs of other stakeholders.To achieve this seafood supply requires the existence
of well-managed and viable fishing businesses, operating profitably and responsibly, with the
certainty necessary to enable sound business investment at all scales of operation. An inflexible and
inappropriate management system burdened by an excess allocation of access rights (too many
fishers for too few fish) continues to prevent industry self-adjustment. Loss of fishing areas to
Marine Parks and Recreational Fishing Havens (RFHs) coupled with a range of unfavourable
cost/price factors has further exacerbated the problem, leading to an increasing number of
economically non-viable operators.
Previous efforts to correct this situation have not been successful. Complications arising from
complex shared fisheries management arrangements with the Commonwealth Government and the
failure to resolve Offshore Constitutional Settlement (OCS) arrangements all contribute to the need
for reform.
As reported in numerous previous reviews into commercial fisheries in NSW, there remains a lack of
confidence, certainty and optimism throughout the commercial fishing industry, reflected in
extreme difficulty in getting financial support from the finance sector, little new investment in the
industry, an ageing commercial fishing fleet, and a shortage of young people coming through the
industry. Industry frustration with the stop/go history of share management and structural
adjustment, and constant changes to the reform process, caused by many Government policy
reversals over 15 years, has lead to a breakdown in trust, respect and working relations between the
industry and government and even within government itself.
There is a sense of desperation in many sectors of the industry, with many commercial fishers
feeling that this is the last opportunity for Government to institute changes to management
arrangements which will reduce effort, minimise conflict and allow industry internal self-adjustment
to achieve a strong and viable commercial fishing industry.
Views on the seriousness of current problems in the commercial sector are mixed, as are the
possible solutions to them. NSW fisheries are faced with a form of Gordian knot, that is, an
intractable problem that is best solved by a bold stroke in the form of comprehensive restructure of
the share management fisheries combined with institutional adjustment.
A recommended approach to dealing with the problems through three key reform activities is
outlined below:
- A comprehensive structural adjustment program to address the problems of excess and poorly defined fishing rights if the original vision for share managed fisheries is to be realised;
- Governance processes be reformed to achieve a proper balance of responsibilities and accountabilities within Government and industry to restore confidence in decision making;
- Consultation be reformed to provide for effective processes and structures to facilitate co- ordinated advice, communication and feedback between Government and industry.
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Further ReadingYou can view the full report by clicking here. |