A new study has shown that the dottyback, a small predatory reef fish, can change the colour of its body to imitate a variety of other reef fish species, allowing the dottyback to sneak up undetected and eat their young.
Triploid Atlantic salmon are not more susceptible to sea louse infection than diploid fish, according to a study by Benedikt Frenzl et al, University of Stirling, UK.
The manner and routes of dispersal vary with the species and the ecological conditions. Many fish form shoals to avoid predation. Shoaling with familiar conspecifics affords the fish an even greater advantage by increasing the benefit for relatives. This promo…
Fish Vet Group's PondDtox contains unique bacteria (Paracoccus pantotrophus), which are highly effective in anaerobic conversion of toxic Hydrogen Sulphideinto non-toxic sulfate in benthic environments.