In light of data suggesting that less than a quarter of Americans eat seafood at least twice per week - the amount recommended by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, The American Heart Association, and the World Health Organisation (WHO) - the Seafood Nutrition Partnership’s new campaign aims to improve the perception of seafoods amongst US consumers.
“Throughout this campaign, we'll educate consumers that seafood is a lean protein with health benefits they can enjoy and count on every day,” said Linda Cornish, Seafood Nutrition Partnership President and founder.
For more than a decade, the Seafood Nutrition Partnership and its partners have aimed to raise awareness about the nutritional benefits of seafood. Building on their previous work, this new campaign will serve as a platform to show that an overarching message can help all points along the seafood supply chain.
“Ultimately, we want to increase consumers’ craving for seafood and encourage America to ‘Fall in Love with Seafood’,” commented Sarah Crowley, vice-president of marketing and communications for the Seafood Nutrition Partnership.
“The new campaign resonates with the primary target [demographic] - 85 percent of [the] occasional seafood consumers surveyed agreed the campaign made them want to eat more seafood,” she added.
The campaign soft launches in October 2023 during National Seafood Month and will continue year-round with key market activations starting in January 2024, with key retailers and foodservice partners to be announced ahead of the new year. The campaign will also be supported by digital and social media, influencer marketing, trade marketing, public relations outreach, and new recipes and blogs on the Seafood Nutrition partnership website.