Pesquera Diamante owns 32 vessels, dedicated to the fishing of anchovies and mackerels, and eight production sites in Peru. A satellite monitoring system controls the activities of the entire fleet (navigation, capture and unloading), to verify the respect of Marine Protection Areas. All data is then recorded in a database.
Both Peruvian anchovy and mackerel are assessed as not overexploited in the target fishing area (FAO area n° 87 of the South East Pacific Ocean). Endangered species are not by-caught by the fishery as the catch targets single species schools. Onsite audit confirmed that fishing gears comply with national regulations. A well managed chain of custody ensures no mixing between certified and non-certified products.
“We are pleased Pesquera Diamante has been awarded the Friend of the Sea certification as this further confirms our company’s engagement to marine conservation,” states Manuel Salazar, CEO of Pesquera Diamante.