"We congratulate BioMar on this 'first'," BAP Vice President of Development Peter Redmond said.
"These plants comprise an important link in the chain of responsible salmon production by combining safe and responsibly sourced feed ingredients with best production practices."
BioMar Chile is part of the Danish BioMar Group, a leading supplier to the aquaculture industry. BioMar provides feed for salmon, trout, seabass, sea bream and eels. Roughly one out of four fish farmed in Europe and Chile is fed BioMar fish feed.
Alitec Pargua has an annual production capacity of 132,275 tons (120,000 metric tons), while Planta BioMar Pargua can manufacture close to 187,400 tons (170,000 metric tons) of feed for salmon and trout. Certification of a third operation in Castro with 66,150 tons (60,000 metric tons) of annual capacity is in progress.
BioMar Technical Manager Jaime Jorquera said the BAP certifications reflect BioMar's continued efforts to work with its customers, many of whose facilities in other areas of the seafood supply chain are also certified under the BAP programme.
"The certifications show the commitment of BioMar Chile in its feed policies to sustainably develop aquaculture together with clients," Mr Jorquera said.
BioMar sources marine raw materials from documented, regulated and accredited fisheries. The company is also working to reduce its dependence on marine ingredients by including alternatives such as vegetable proteins and oils in feeds.
Food safety is also essential to BioMar. It applies HACCP-based internal procedures and controls, as well as full traceability of finished feed that can track inputs as well as purchasers.
BAP certification is based on independent audits that evaluate compliance with the international Best Aquaculture Practices standards developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance.
BAP Grows With First Certified Feed Mills In Chile
CHILE - The Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) programme has welcomed BioMar Chile S.A.'s Alitec Pargua and Planta BioMar facilities in Pargua as its first certified feed mills in Chile.
by Lucy Towers