Salmon farmers see record prices in early 2011 drop to money losing levels in no time. 2012 outlook negative from mid year as production is expected to increase by up to 15 per cent, according to Globefish.
In the fourth of a series ofarticles for Fishing news,Mike Montgomerie, GearTechnologist at Seafish, continues by examining theoptions for fitting squaremesh panels.
The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) is currently working to update a 1996 report which looks at thewelfare of farmed fish generally, andthe welfare of farmed fish at slaughter. The study, of which an outline is set out below, will assess whether the welfare…
This report explores some of the main approaches that will (partly) fulfil the conditions and challenges that must be overcome for valid and viable alternative feedstuffs to fishmeal.