Single Body Needed to Solves Aquaculture Licensing Problems Economics Politics Oysters 20 October 2014
New Study Finds Fishermen's Expertise is Rarely Considered by Scientists Sustainability Education & academia 10 October 2014
Five Fishmongers to Compete for BIM Young Fishmonger 2015 Sustainability Processing 17 September 2014
Irish Sea Fisheries Board to Host Farmed Seaweed Conference Technology & equipment Politics 28 August 2014
New Invasive Shrimp Species Found in Northern Ireland Sustainability Technology & equipment Crustaceans 21 August 2014
230,000 in Funding for Rehabilitation of Wild Salmon, Sea Trout Stocks Sustainability Breeding & genetics Trout 13 August 2014
Improve Your Skills with the Fish Handling and Filleting Course Scheduled for September 2014 Sustainability Processing 17 July 2014
Dragonfish Discovery Highlights Danger of Illegal Aquarium Releases to Native Wildlife Welfare Environment Clams 30 June 2014
Seafood Board Continues to Progress Proposed Organic Salmon Farm Application Technology & equipment Economics Salmonids 6 June 2014
Minister Announces Inshore Fisheries Structures, Development and Conservation Package Sustainability Economics 16 May 2014
Irish Sea Fisheries Board Helps Provide Top Graduates to the Seafood Processing Sector Sustainability Economics 6 May 2014
Apply to partake in BIM's Fisheries trials commencing June 2014 Sustainability Technology & equipment 1 May 2014
Global Investment in Irish seafood Sector to Deliver 1 billion Sales, 1,200 Jobs by 2017 Sustainability Economics 4 April 2014
Irish Oyster Sector Benefits from an Increase in Production and Employment Economics People Oysters 26 March 2014
Ocean Harvest Counteracts Decline in Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Farmed Salmon Nutrition Health Salmonids 28 January 2014
Modern Technology Ensured Fish Farm Weathered the Storm Sustainability Technology & equipment Salmonids 22 January 2014
Irish Sea Fisheries Board to Sponsor Skipper Expo Int. Galway 2014 Sustainability Post-harvest 21 January 2014